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 ARCH ENEMY Graspop And Metalcamp Festival photos

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: ARCH ENEMY Graspop And Metalcamp Festival photos   ARCH ENEMY Graspop And Metalcamp Festival photos EmptyMer 16 Juil - 12:29

ARCH ENEMY Vocalist Issues Graspop And Metalcamp Festival Recap; Pictures And Video Footage Available

ARCH ENEMY Graspop And Metalcamp Festival photos 93302

ARCH ENEMY vocalist Angela Gossow has checked in with the following update:

"Hello all,

I have posted a super long 'behind the scenes' update about the Graspop and Metalcamp Festival on the United Enemies Fanclub site. Here is a short version plus some excellent pictures and clips:

Graspop Festival: We had a fantastic time on stage there! I wore my German football shirt - unfortunately our team played rather weak against the Spanish and they deserved to win the European Championship for sure.. Damnit!

Thank you for the overwhelming response – the Graspop Festival is one of the best festivals out there, such a great variety of metal and people!

Metalcamp: Tolmin, Slovenia is a beautiful little town, wedged in between green mountains and crisp clear rivers, shimmering in aquamarine blue colour. The festival itself is almost a week long and sports a wonderful community of metal fans and a very diverse range of bands. We headlined the last day - Tuesday - and despite all the heavy rain storms blasting through the campsite its visitors stood tall up to the last minute! We had a fantastic show and filmed it with 12 cameras (including crane). It is never wrong to have exciting live footage in the vault! Here are some impressions.

Thank you to everybody who screamed, banged, moshed, hung out and simply showed up for us. We had a blast and I hope you had a great time too!!!

Rock The Fuck On,

PS: For all you curious people out there who like to know about the Gossow family – this is my brother David's project. He is currently in Shanghai at the RoboCup, presenting a rescue robot that can venture autonomously into hazardous terrain and detect humans and help them out of the danger zone. I should ask him to build one for the moshpit.. Next time my mum gets in I can get her out safely ;-)."
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ARCH ENEMY Graspop And Metalcamp Festival photos
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