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 D.A.D. new album

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

D.A.D. new album Empty
MessageSujet: D.A.D. new album   D.A.D. new album EmptySam 19 Juil - 12:52

Un morceau en écoute sur myspace "Revolution" :

New Album from D-A-D in November
Dear Net Pet,

Press release from EMI:

New Album from D-A-D in November

"Monster Philosophy" will be the title of the 10th studio album from one of Denmarks most popular and persistent rock bands. The songs were written in the past two years and producer on the album is Joshua, who has worked with Kent, Carpark North and many other bands. The basic tracks were recorded in Long Branch, New Jersey in April and the work has continued in the Mansion Studiet in Copenhagen.

Right now D-A-D is headlining the Grøn Koncert and the band reveals that a few of the new songs are on the setlist. If the green caravan doesn't stop in your city you can listen to a pre-mix of the new and almost finished song "Revolution" on MySpace.

Release date for "Monster Philosophy" is November 10th.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: D.A.D. new album   D.A.D. new album EmptyDim 20 Juil - 23:04

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D.A.D. new album
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