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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

CAGE Empty
MessageSujet: CAGE   CAGE EmptyLun 28 Juil - 23:39

CAGE Drop Off Bill For Burning Star Festival

CAGE T93993 San Diego's CAGE check in with the following update:

"We are not going to play the Burning Star fest (August 30th - 31st - Jumping Turtle - San Marcos, CA) this year which is a real bummer because the lineup is fantastic and we were going to test some of the new songs we have.

Joe Troutman does a great job and we will be there in the audience enjoying the show.

We are in a serious writing groove right now with the song compositions and pre-production so we are really focusing on that and did not want any distractions at all.

Hell Destoyer is still selling really well and our fanbase has grown immensely from that release and we want to keep the metal flowing to all the people that need their Cage fix.

The good news is that the new material is really wicked and blasting. We plan to start recording the first batch of songs in just a few weeks! Our new strategy will keep us constantly at work making high value products for the Cage Army that knows that we will never let down our fans high expectations and will continue to make metal the way it was originally intended to be but on massive amounts of steroids and speed!

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