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 GRAVE DIGGER - Photos From South America

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: GRAVE DIGGER - Photos From South America   GRAVE DIGGER - Photos From South America EmptyMer 6 Aoû - 22:56

GRAVE DIGGER - Photos From South America Online

GRAVE DIGGER - Photos From South America T94504 GRAVE DIGGER's Chris Boltendahl has contacted BW&BK with the following update:

"We uploaded a couple of more photos from our South America trip in the Gallery section (

We will carry on with the tour report and more photos the next days.

We also like to thank the fans and all organizers in South America. You really rock. Thanx for the big support during the trip and the shows. We hope that we can see you all again.

Metal on,

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