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 KAMELOT Return From Epic Open-Air Concerts In Europe

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

KAMELOT Return From Epic Open-Air Concerts In Europe Empty
MessageSujet: KAMELOT Return From Epic Open-Air Concerts In Europe   KAMELOT Return From Epic Open-Air Concerts In Europe EmptyMer 20 Aoû - 0:29

KAMELOT Return From Epic Open-Air Concerts In Europe

KAMELOT Return From Epic Open-Air Concerts In Europe T95273 The following update from the KAMELOT camp:

"The band is back home after a great weekend of metal in Norway and Holland.

First Kamelot played the main stage at Metal Rock Festival in Lillehammer. The band played a blistering set just before music icons TWISTED SISTER took the stage.

Thanks to all the fans at the show and also the Twisted Sister band and crew!

Then came a morning flight from Oslo to Amsterdam to arrive only minutes before stage time as support for IRON MAIDEN in Assen, Holland. The band tells us the show went great and they are looking forward to possibly more support shows with Maiden in the future! We are just updating the website with photos from these shows!

And... US tour next!

Kamelot kicks off their US tour this October, many shows are reaching sold out status. Less than 100 tickets remain for the Jaxx - West Springfield, VA show. For more info and ticket links go to Tour section or for tickets with reduced service charges!"
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: KAMELOT Return From Epic Open-Air Concerts In Europe   KAMELOT Return From Epic Open-Air Concerts In Europe EmptyMer 20 Aoû - 0:30

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