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Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

EPIC Empty
MessageSujet: EPIC   EPIC EmptySam 16 Sep - 10:22

EPIC - California Gig Confirmed; New CD Available Now
EPIC 50774ve6

EPIC, the new band featuring ex-DIO/WWIII guitarist Tracy G, have scheduled a show at Paladino's (6101 Reseda Blvd) in Tarzana, CA on Thursday, October 5. Opening act HDR is also on the bill. As previously reported, Epic recently shot a video for the song 'Strange Blessings' in Burbank, CA at Center Stage. The track is from their new 13-song CD, Metaphor, which is available now at their official site here . Four audio samples can be found at their MySpace page at this location.
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