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 BENEDICTION - Grind Bastard To Be Issued On Vinyl

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: BENEDICTION - Grind Bastard To Be Issued On Vinyl   BENEDICTION - Grind Bastard To Be Issued On Vinyl EmptyJeu 4 Sep - 23:14

BENEDICTION - Grind Bastard To Be Issued On Vinyl September 12th

BENEDICTION - Grind Bastard To Be Issued On Vinyl T96128 will issue BENEDICTION's Grind Bastard album on a hand-numbered double LP set, limited to 250 copies, on September 12th.

The LP, which was originally issued on CD via Nuclear Blast Records in 1998, includes the following tracklisting:
Side A:
'West Of Hell',
Side B:
'Electric Eye',
'Grind Bastard'.
Side C:
'Shadow World',
'The Bodiless',
'Carcinoma Angel',
'We The Freed'.
Side D:
'We Are The League'.

Further details here.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: BENEDICTION - Grind Bastard To Be Issued On Vinyl   BENEDICTION - Grind Bastard To Be Issued On Vinyl EmptyJeu 4 Sep - 23:15

BENEDICTION - Grind Bastard To Be Issued On Vinyl 96128
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