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 LORD BELIAL - new album

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

LORD BELIAL - new album Empty
MessageSujet: LORD BELIAL - new album   LORD BELIAL - new album EmptyMer 10 Sep - 20:44

LORD BELIAL - 'Trumpets Of Doom' Streaming Online; The Black Curse Tracklisting Revealed

LORD BELIAL - new album 96487 are exclusively streaming a new LORD BELIAL track, 'Trumpets Of Doom', at this location.

'Trumpets Of Doom' will be featured on the band's forthcoming new album, The Black Curse, expected out this month via Regain Records.

The Black Curse will feature the following tracklisting: 'Pazuzu - Lord Of Fevers And Plague', 'Trumpets Of Doom', 'Sworn', 'Inexorable Retribution', 'Antichrist Reborn', 'Primordial Incantation', 'Devilish Enlightenment', 'Ascension Of Lilith', 'Unorthodox Catharsis', 'Soul Gate'.
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