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 PRIMAL FEAR - Back From Russia

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: PRIMAL FEAR - Back From Russia   PRIMAL FEAR - Back From Russia EmptyMar 23 Sep - 21:33

PRIMAL FEAR - Back From Russia

PRIMAL FEAR - Back From Russia T97386 German power metallers PRIMAL FEAR have issued the following update:

"After 10 years, we finally made it to Russia - Moscow and St. Petersburg. We had a great time and met a lot of great fans!

The Moscow concert was maybe one of the Top 5 club shows in our history, an unbelievably loud and exciting audience and a wonderful moment of metal!

Thanks to everybody who helped to make this trip happen - M&S Promotion, Flaming Arts, Irond Records and most of all our fans!

Keep the faith - the next shows in Russia will happen soon and we don't let you wait that long again! Promised!"

Back in August, Primal Fear announced: "Well, the time has come to start officially with the writing sessions for our new album!

We will be in Sweden at Magnus studio in September to write a bunch of new tracks and do some pre-production. We've collected already some ideas and it sounds very promising.

We will try to keep the great vibe of the live shows in the band... Of course, we will try to surprise all of you again with a new direction :-)

Cheers, PF."
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: PRIMAL FEAR - Back From Russia   PRIMAL FEAR - Back From Russia EmptyMar 23 Sep - 21:33

PRIMAL FEAR - Back From Russia 97386
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: PRIMAL FEAR - Back From Russia   PRIMAL FEAR - Back From Russia EmptyMer 24 Sep - 21:41

PRIMAL FEAR Live In Russia - Photos Available

PRIMAL FEAR - Back From Russia T97487 German power metallers PRIMAL FEAR recently returned from Russia where they performed shows in St. Petersburg on September 20th and in Moscow at Tochka Club on the 21st - click the following links to view galleries from the latter show:
Primal Fear in Moscow #1
Primal Fear in Moscow #2

Primal Fear recently commented about the journey: "After 10 years, we finally made it to Russia - Moscow and St. Petersburg. We had a great time and met a lot of great fans! The Moscow concert was maybe one of the Top 5 club shows in our history, an unbelievably loud and exciting audience and a wonderful moment of metal!"
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