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 grave digger guitariste manni schmidt

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

grave digger guitariste manni schmidt Empty
MessageSujet: grave digger guitariste manni schmidt   grave digger guitariste manni schmidt EmptyMer 24 Sep - 1:01

GRAVE DIGGER Guitarist Continues Work On DAILY HORROR Project

GRAVE DIGGER guitarist Manni Schmidt checks in with the following update:

"I just can’t keep up with the news coming so quick. Remember when I wrote that guitar recording just began last time? Well, we’ll be going on for the listening session the day after tomorrow! Yeah, you got that right! We’re all through with recording, mixing and mastering. Those who followed up on the studio diary at has been up to date of course and is aware of a first self-made clip of the song 'Pray' on YouTube (below). The feedback was stunning so far! I’m really pretty much excited about how the other songs will appeal to your ears.

But I promised to take on the guitars used during recording last time. There weren’t any big surprises there, though. I smashed the whole stuff in with my two Dean MLs. For some of the short divebomb shit parts I brought in the The Beast lag and for a short intro I used a Takamine accoustic guitar. Thilo mainly used his new flame which is a Dean Vendetta Revenge, tuned up with Seymour Uebergas 4581 Duncan pickups. In addition he fetched his age-old Ibanez RG from time to time.My gauge of strings is 010-52, by the way, while Thilo prefers 009-46 strings.

And another album is finished as well: Krispin let the new ÜBERGAS album be mixed in the USA by Michael Wagener and mastered by Vince Sorg at Principal Studio. We just need to find a label now. Just check out to listen in!

Since there’s some time left now prior to the Grave Digger tour I again at last can continue work on my project running under the working title of DAILY HORROR. I collected a whole big amount of ideas I have to sort now and hopefully will soon be able to record. For my work at home I use a Tonelab LE sent to me by Vox which I also utilized on GD demos and pre-production. It really sounds amazingly authentically like a tube amplifier which quite increases the fun in playing on it – which is exactly what I’m gonna do now!
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