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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: TORTURE DIVISION -   TORTURE DIVISION - EmptyMer 24 Sep - 1:07

TORTURE DIVISION - "You Will Definitely Dig The Death Metal Soup We Are Cooking Up This Time"

Sweden's TORTURE DIVISION, which features in it's ranks guitarist Lord K. Philipson (THE PROJECT HATE, GOD AMONG INSECTS, ex-LEUKEMIA), bassist/vocalist Jörgen Sandström (VICIOUS ART, The Project Hate, ex-ENTOMBED, GRAVE) and drummer Tobias "Tobben" Gustafsson (VOMITORY), have issued the following update:

"The recordings of the drums for Demo 3 have been pushed forward a week and will now take place on October 16th. All the tunes are ready and we are jacked up as fuckin' cannibals in front of METALLICA (what?) to record this last part of the first trilogy. You will definitely dig the death metal soup we are cooking up this time. But this third demo is hardly the only thing we wanna announce, we just have to wait a little with the rest of the news, for various reasons. Stay tuned to our forums and this site for all the torturous news you can possibly handle."
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: TORTURE DIVISION -   TORTURE DIVISION - EmptyDim 19 Oct - 15:57

TORTURE DIVISION - Drums Recorded For New Album

Sweden's TORTURE DIVISION, which features in it's ranks guitarist Lord K. Philipson (THE PROJECT HATE, GOD AMONG INSECTS, ex-LEUKEMIA), bassist/vocalist Jörgen Sandström (VICIOUS ART, The Project Hate, ex-ENTOMBED, GRAVE) and drummer Tobias "Tobben" Gustafsson (VOMITORY), have checked in from the studio.

Tobben comments: "Last Thursday we began the recording of the third demo. Mats of Senseless Recordings and I teamed up at the Vomitory rehearsal place at 5 p.m. Miking my drum kit, sound-check and coffee took about two hours - then we began recording.

I was so fuckin' excited to record this third demo. A couple of days earlier I had rehearsed everything and it felt really good! No mistakes or any worries for the new material at all. But once Mats hit the recording button, all hell broke lose in my brain and in my left leg/foot. My idea was to record the new songs to the click tracks that K had prepared for me (his guitar plus click track), but since I’m not so used playing to a click track it didn’t really turn out that good that I had imagined it would. Not even remotely close. Not even in the same fucken universe to be more specific! I also have this constant sciatica pain in my left leg since a couple of months back, and it usually gets worse when I’m playing drums. Thursday night was no exception. Then when the pain started to increase and my brain was working too much with the click track, instead of feeling the music, my playing went down to the level of a mongoloid amputee. I got really irritated and discouraged, and I know more than well how that too affects my playing. It’s like a downward evil spiral…

After struggling with two songs (and not even finished the second one!) for nearly three hours, I decided to call it quits at 10 p.m. Before I went to bed, I decided to try everything again the next day, without the click track - just like I usually do when recording drums.

Friday was the complete opposite story! After warming up for some minutes, we began recording again at 3 p.m. - without the click track - and after 30 minutes I had nailed all the three demo songs. My playing was soooo much better than the night before, you could not think it was the same drummer if you had heard it! Mats can approve that! I’m really satisfied with how it all turned out. I can now also reveal that I recorded two more songs which will NOT be on the third demo! I had to do a few takes on one of the two, while I nailed the last one on the first take. So after two hours on Friday we were done with five songs and had put down all of Mats’ recording gear. Fuck, that felt nothing but great!

Now we are waiting for Mats to send the drum files to the Lord, which will happen during this weekend, then it’s time for K’s and J’s magic to complete this closing chapter of the first trilogy.”

We are now waiting to get the files so K can start to record his guitars, then everything will be shipped to J for vocals and bass. After that the shit is off to Mr. Swanö."
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: TORTURE DIVISION -   TORTURE DIVISION - EmptyVen 2 Jan - 19:59

TORTURE DIVISION Prepare For Upcoming Gigs


Sweden's TORTURE DIVISION, which features in it's ranks guitarist Lord K. Philipson (THE PROJECT HATE, GOD AMONG INSECTS, ex-LEUKEMIA), bassist/vocalist Jörgen Sandström (VICIOUS ART, The Project Hate, ex-ENTOMBED, GRAVE) and drummer Tobias "Tobben" Gustafsson (VOMITORY), have issued the following update:

"Oh yes, 2009… another year in the name of Torture.

Hope you guys had some nice holidays and all, not that we give a shit but it sounds nice to put it like that.

We just thought we should let you know that we are now gearing up for the 2 coming gigs we have booked in February, 2009. Yeah, we know… it’s like 1 and a half months until those happen but it’s always great to have some update from your fave band, right?

First off we have the gig at the Close Up Boat coming up. You can find all the details needed at but let us just inform you that we play the 13th of February around 1:40 PM. Make sure to be there, drunk and full of hell, and make this gig something we can always remember with a huge smile.

After that we go to Umeå, Sweden and the fantastic House Of Metal festival where we will play on the 27th of February. Check out their site to know exactly when we enter the stage coz we aren’t sure about that yet, haha…

We are looking forward so much to these 2 gigs it’s not even sane. We might also have a third gig coming up but it’s too early to reveal anything about that right now so just stay tuned.
We ended 2008 with a bang considering we gave you a killer x-mas single and the third chapter in our first trilogy. You can find everything for free download at this site. 2009 will most probably give you trilogy number 2 coz that’s what we are aiming for. More free music in the shape of the world’s best death metal. We know, we know… we are truly fantastic.

So, we are looking forward to see you on at the upcoming gigs. In the meantime; torture each other and have a nice start of the new year. Ok then, have a nice 2009 in its entirety.

As you were, bitches."
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