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 TORTURE DIVISION Christmas Single

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

TORTURE DIVISION Christmas Single Empty
MessageSujet: TORTURE DIVISION Christmas Single   TORTURE DIVISION Christmas Single EmptyMer 24 Déc - 21:33

TORTURE DIVISION Christmas Single Available

TORTURE DIVISION Christmas Single 103507

Sweden's TORTURE DIVISION, which features in it's ranks guitarist Lord K. Philipson (THE PROJECT HATE, GOD AMONG INSECTS, ex-LEUKEMIA), bassist/vocalist Jörgen Sandström (VICIOUS ART, The Project Hate, ex-ENTOMBED, GRAVE) and drummer Tobias "Tobben" Gustafsson (VOMITORY), have issued the following update:

"We told you there would be a Christmas 7 inch available for you guys from your fave band, remember? Here it is. Another present for you after handing out the fantastic display of the world’s best death metal that was 'Our Infernal Torture', here comes 'Suffer The Shitmass'. We talked about this single over at our forums, but let’s remind you lot:

“A Japanese guy named Gai Er de Man contacted us some time ago and offered to print 4 copies of a Torture Division Christmas 7? single. Of course we have said yes to this. The band gets one copy each and Gai Er de Man get’s the fourth and final copy. This single will unfortunately not be for sale but we will make it available for download at as always.”

So, here it is - spread it like cancer at every torrent site you see fit. We’ll have everything arranged at the Downloadgraphy page after the holidays are over but for now you need to take it all from these links:

A-side: /01_-_The_Torture_Never_Stops.mp3]'The Torture Never Stops'

B-side: /02_-_The_Purifier.mp3]'The Purifier'

Cover artwork is found /TD_Suffer_The-Shitmass_CDS.pdf]here.

And if you wanna read the lyrics to 'The Purifier', use this link.

Have a painful Christmas full of torture and death."
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