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 ICED EARTH - Photo Gallery ProgPower USA IX

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

ICED EARTH -  Photo Gallery ProgPower USA IX Empty
MessageSujet: ICED EARTH - Photo Gallery ProgPower USA IX   ICED EARTH -  Photo Gallery ProgPower USA IX EmptyJeu 25 Sep - 22:16

ICED EARTH - Burning Times In Philly; BW&BK Photo Gallery Online

ICED EARTH -  Photo Gallery ProgPower USA IX T97527 Working their way south for their headlining appearance at ProgPower USA IX, ICED EARTH stopped at the Trocadero, in Philadelphia on September 24th. Selecting a playlist sampling material throughout their career, mainman/guitarist Jon Schaffer and newly returning frontman Matt Barlow (minus the lengthy red mane, but once more in black leather chaps atop jeans) offered the following: 'Scared Flames' (intro), 'Behold The Wicked Child', 'Invasion' (intro), 'Motivation Of Man', 'Setian Massacre', 'Burning Times', 'Declaration Day', a super-charged 'Vengeance Is Mine', 'Ten Thousand Strong', 'Stormrider' (where Barlow gets a break, Schaffer doing vocals), 'Watching Over Me', 'I Walk Alone', 'Come What May', 'Dracula', 'Brother Against Brother', 'Hold At All Cost' and 'High Water Mark' before the encore of 'Melancholy', 'My Own Savior' and the closing signature track, 'Iced Earth'.

A BW&BK Photo Gallery can be found here.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

ICED EARTH -  Photo Gallery ProgPower USA IX Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ICED EARTH - Photo Gallery ProgPower USA IX   ICED EARTH -  Photo Gallery ProgPower USA IX EmptyJeu 25 Sep - 22:17

ICED EARTH -  Photo Gallery ProgPower USA IX 2067
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

ICED EARTH -  Photo Gallery ProgPower USA IX Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ICED EARTH - Photo Gallery ProgPower USA IX   ICED EARTH -  Photo Gallery ProgPower USA IX EmptyJeu 25 Sep - 22:18

ICED EARTH -  Photo Gallery ProgPower USA IX 2071
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

ICED EARTH -  Photo Gallery ProgPower USA IX Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ICED EARTH - Photo Gallery ProgPower USA IX   ICED EARTH -  Photo Gallery ProgPower USA IX EmptyLun 29 Sep - 23:16

ProgPower USA IX - Report, Photos Available

ICED EARTH -  Photo Gallery ProgPower USA IX T97748 Special report by Mark Gromen

The ninth installment of North America's premier metal festival returned to Center Stage, in Atlanta, GA on September 26-27. Over the course of the two days, many foreign acts made their continental debuts, as well as headlining performances by AMORPHIS and ICED EARTH. Other highlights included the violin-laced folk of ELVENKING, a lightning set from IRON SAVIOR, the opening 1-2-3 punch of 'Sirens', 'Warriors' and 'Maniacal Renderings' from JON OLIVA'S PAIN and a rare appearance from one of metal's great voices, ROB ROCK.

A BW&BK Photo Gallery by Mark Gromen can be found here.
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