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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: RISING MOON   RISING MOON EmptyMer 1 Oct - 0:05

RISING MOON Post New "Rough Mix" Online; Reveal New Track Titles

RISING MOON T97888 Italian death metallers RISING MOON have issued the following update:

"Hi People,

These days we are busy with the mixing of the new album, still without title, it's a concept album about to our dear green friends ; -)

This is the tracklist:
'The Second Brother’s Blood',
'The Sky That Looks Us All',
'The Abandoned Memory Of God',
'The Arrival Between Us',
'Where The Light Become Dark',
'The Breath That We Haven’t Had',
'The Sign Of The Illusory Change',
'The Truth That We Haven't Never Know',
'Everything Returns Back',
'Nothing Will Still Never Remain The Same',
'Don’t Be Here'.

Also, this in provisional order... well, now we have loaded a new song 'The Breath That We Haven't Had'.

The hope is that you enjoy it."
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