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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: BLACK SABBATH, YES   BLACK SABBATH, YES EmptyDim 2 Nov - 23:37

BLACK SABBATH, YES Manager Passes is reporting:

Film and Music Entertainment, Inc. announced today that Academy Award winning producer John Daly, beloved Chairman of the company, passed away at 6:10 AM today quietly in his sleep at the age of 71.

Mr. Daly was born in South East London, a part of London badly bombed and damaged in the 2nd World War. In 1967, with a young actor named David Hemmings he formed 'Hemdale.' Hemdale had many diverse entertainment business interests, and grew rapidly in the '70s managing music groups YES, BLACK SABBATH and many other famous UK artists. The Company also acquired the worldwide stage rights of Lionel Bart's hit musical Oliver, plus produced Grease starring Richard Gere. Hemdale also acquired an ownership interest in an important TV company, its own film studios, and a famous off-track betting company chain of shops.

Hemdale began producing, financing and distributing its own full length feature films and became the leading independent film company in the United Kingdom with films such as "Melody," "Tommy," "Triple Echo" and "Images" with Robert Altman.

Hemdale gave important career starts to such leading actors as Keanu Reeves, Denzel Washington, and Julia Roberts. It also gave a chance to many young, first time directors who have since become famous including James Cameron (The Terminator); Oliver Stone (Salvador, Platoon); Bernardo Bertolucci (The Last Emperor); Mick Jackson (The Bodyguard); Martin Campbell (Bond) & (Zorro); Michael Apted (The Coalminer's Daughter); Robert Altman (Images); John Schlesinger (The Falcon & The Snowman) along with many other notable directors such as Ken Loach (Hidden Agenda); Harold Becker (The Boost); Gillian Armstrong (High Tide); Tim Hunter (River's Edge) and James Foley (At Close Range). Under Daly, Hemdale made over 100 films and Daly's films grossed in excess of $1.5 billion dollars.
Daly has personally achieved on behalf of his companies, 21 OscarCopyright nominations and 13 OscarCopyright wins including an unprecedented back-to-back 'Best Picture' OscarCopyright for 'Platoon' and 'The Last Emperor.' This achievement has never been equaled by any other independent film maker or company.

Read more here.
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