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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: STATUS QUO   STATUS QUO EmptyJeu 6 Nov - 21:35

STATUS QUO Raise Thousands At Prince's Trust Charity Auction

STATUS QUO T100298 Jason Gregory from is reporting:

STATUS QUO helped raise £100,000 for the Prince's Trust charity at an auction in London last night (November 5th).

The auction consisted of musicians and celebrities' versions of the band's album and singles artwork.

ALICE COOPER, BRIAN MAY and TV presenters Fern Britton and Rolf Harris were among those who contributed lots.

Wildlife artist David Shepherd's version of Status Quo's 'Heavy Traffic' cover was the most poplular with bidders, raising £17,000.

The band's frontman Francis Rossie told the BBC that the final total was “very nice”.

"The Prince's Trust is for young people that are not articulate or come from a poor background. Nobody gives them a chance,” he said.

"It's such an unusual charity. It's not the kind of charity that most people give to. People are not usually concerned about some young kid from a council estate background."

Read more here.
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