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 STATUS QUO 33rd Album In September

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

STATUS QUO  33rd Album In September Empty
MessageSujet: STATUS QUO 33rd Album In September   STATUS QUO  33rd Album In September EmptyVen 27 Avr - 13:05

STATUS QUO  33rd Album In September 64972

Long-running UK rock legends STATUS QUO have issued the following update:

"Released on the band's own Fourth Chord label in the UK (and through Edel in Europe and Scandinavia), In Search Of The Fourth Chord, is Quo's 33rd album and features a brand new set of future classic Quo songs.

For this album, the band reunited with Pip Williams, the man who produced the likes of Rockin' All Over The World, Whatever You Want and In The Army Now.

The album is released on September 10, 2007.

Ticket purchasers for the UK Winter tour (dates here) will have the exclusive opportunity to pre-order a limited edition, souvenir 12" vinyl version of the album, in a stunning gatefold sleeve, this is a special ticket offer and this vinyl album will not be available in the shops.

Quo fans should also look out for a very special album-linked initiative to precede the release date… if you dare, then join the quest; but remember, what you find rather depends on what you are looking for. You have been warned!

You can pre-order the In Search Of The Fourth Chord special limited edition vinyl album amnd the CD now from HMV: ."
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

STATUS QUO  33rd Album In September Empty
MessageSujet: Re: STATUS QUO 33rd Album In September   STATUS QUO  33rd Album In September EmptyMar 18 Sep - 22:40

voici la video exclusive :

c'est quand même le 33ème album, "In Search Of The Fourth Chord" sortie le 10 Septembre via lueur label Fourth Chord label in the U.K. (et chez Edel en Europe et Scandinavie.

Pour cet album, le groupe a retrouvé Pip Williams, qui avait produit les grands classiques "Rockin' All Over The World", "Whatever You Want" et "In The Army Now".
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