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 DARK TRANQUILLITY - Milan Footage .....

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

DARK TRANQUILLITY - Milan Footage ..... Empty
MessageSujet: DARK TRANQUILLITY - Milan Footage .....   DARK TRANQUILLITY - Milan Footage ..... EmptyJeu 6 Nov - 21:59

DARK TRANQUILLITY - Milan Footage Online; Few Tickets Left For German Dates, Cologne Sold Out

DARK TRANQUILLITY - Milan Footage ..... 100301

Melodic death metal masters DARK TRANQUILLITY are currently touring Europe with labelmates POISONBLACK and FEAR MY THOUGHTS on the Where Death Is Most Alive Tour 2008.

On October 31st the band filmed and recorded its show in Milan (Italy) for a future DVD release and you can see for yourself that audience and band proved to be in excellent shape in the following fan-made clip:

All German fans who already have purchased their ticket for the band’s upcoming show in Cologne can call themselves lucky as it is already sold out! So, get your tickets for the remaining German dates in Stuttgart (close to sold out status, too) and Munich immediately!

An official tour trailer can be watched below...
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DARK TRANQUILLITY - Milan Footage .....
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