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 Kasim SULTON - His LIVE DVD Now Available

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Kasim SULTON - His LIVE DVD Now Available Empty
MessageSujet: Kasim SULTON - His LIVE DVD Now Available   Kasim SULTON - His LIVE DVD Now Available EmptySam 20 Déc - 16:37

Kasim SULTON - His LIVE DVD Now Available + VIDEO

We were all waiting for this wonderful event : Kasim SULTON's Live DVD has been released !

Entitled "An Evening with Kasim Sulton... Live in Atlanta", it features Kasim on stage along with Jesse Gress and Doug Kennedy, performing his own songs as well as Utopian Classics. Just to name a few : "Are You Happy Now", "Yellow Cab", "Back On The Street", "Watching the World Go By"...

Kasim SULTON - His LIVE DVD Now Available L_1facc7a1932641b1b23cf5c5d3bc0d9d

Including Pictures, Interviews and lots more, it is now available for pre-orders and will be shipped late this week. Watch below the teaser featuring the song Sacrifice. Just click on the following link to access Kasim's Store on line and order your copy : "Kasim Store".

Don't miss this unique opportunity to enjoy Kasim's Solo Show. Beautiful titles, stamped with romanticism and such a personal touch of nostalgia and delicacy, what we may call :

The Elegance Of Kasim...
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Kasim SULTON - His LIVE DVD Now Available
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