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 KROKUS Guitarist Fernando Von Arb

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

KROKUS Guitarist Fernando Von Arb Empty
MessageSujet: KROKUS Guitarist Fernando Von Arb   KROKUS Guitarist Fernando Von Arb EmptyMer 24 Déc - 21:25

KROKUS Guitarist Fernando Von Arb Featured In Globe Club Video Interview

KROKUS Guitarist Fernando Von Arb 103508

KROKUS have issued the following:

See and hear Krokus lead guitarist Fernando Von Arb in a rare interview. As the previous video interviews with bassist Chris Von Rohr and drummer Freddy Steady, this is a continuation of these Globe Club interviews. This one was captured especially for you outside the Kofmehl Youth Centre in Solothurn, Switzerland, the birthplace of Krokus. The band rehearsed at this location during the week preceding the magic concert this past August.

Fernando played on 15 Krokus albums (studio & live albums) over a time period between 1977’s To You All release and up to 2003’s Rock The Block. In fact, over this period of time Fernando kept Krokus single handedly alive. Looking back, Fernando explains in this interview why he should have let Krokus rest after the 1988 break-up at the end of their US Heart Attack tour instead of continuing with different line-up changes.

To view this interview, visit our website and follow/click here.

Do you agree with Fernando’s interview comments? Was it a good idea to keep the name Krokus alive over all these years with different lineup changes or should they have called it quits after the 1988 break-up? Leave us your comments and opinions on our Guestbook page.

Last but not least, Krokus wishes you all Happy Holidays. Just for the Holidays, we uploaded on our home page Marc Storace’s rendition of the traditional Christmas poem 'T’Was The Night Before Christmas”'with video clips of Colorado Christmas scenes and an orchestral version of 'Angel Of My Dreams', courtesy of Threestyle Orchestra.

Curious to find out how Chris Von Rohr decorates the outside of his home for Christmas? Then click on the “Chris Von Rohr’s X-Mas Lights” link. And for those of you that prefer something funny, click on the “White Trash Xmas”.
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KROKUS Guitarist Fernando Von Arb
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