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 AC/DC Not Banned In Peoria

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: AC/DC Not Banned In Peoria   AC/DC Not Banned In Peoria EmptyMer 24 Déc - 23:07

AC/DC Not Banned In Peoria is reporting:

Peoria is trying to get one of the biggest rock bands in history to play at the Civic Center again. Regent Broadcasting is trying to get AC/DC to play in Peoria in the fall.

The Rock Band played a raucous concert at the newly opened civic center in 1982, and there's an urban legend that they've been banned from playing in the River City ever since.

"No they are not banned. Yes, they are more than welcome to be here. But obviously, AC/DC is the biggest rock band in the world. They have the #1 album in 37 countries and it's obviously been 25 years. It takes some work to get the band to find Peoria on the radar screen to come back and play here," Matt Bahan with 105.7 The X Rocks Morning Show says.

That's why on Saturday, January 10th at 1:30 in the afternoon there will be an AC/DC rally outside between the civic center and City Hall. Besides loud music, they're hoping thousands of fans will come with their faces and bodies painted to petition the band to play in Peoria.

You can also sign a petition at the station's website, which you can get to by clicking on the link to the side of this story.
About 9500 tickets would be available at $85 each for an AC/DC concert in the arena.
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