et en attendant la tournée, 1er avril a tlse, ils travaillent dejà sur le nouvel album, le point :
Guitarist Thomas Youngblood and singer Roy Khan of American/Norwegian melodic metallers have issued the following update:
"Greetings from Elverum, Norway. It's the final day of the Ottertepp Sessions, the first of four writing sessions for KAMELOT's next full-length album. Well we can now reveal the location of the cabin here in Norway; it belongs to Lord Teksnes and is located in Sørskogbygda, Norway.
"The cabin has been the perfect place for our first taste of the new songs and direction for the songwriting. We would like to thank Lord Teksnes for the cabin and also all the Norwegian press that visited us while working up here."
As previously reported, KAMELOT have joined the roster of Royal Artist Club (powered by Nokia) where international artists offer fans a glimpse of their own everyday life: exclusive behind-the-curtains, on- and off-stage material. Royal Artist Club is a mobile blog where the members of the band can send videos and pictures via their mobile phones. You can comment on the blog and even suggest ideas what the guys could do with it!