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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: CHEAP TRICK + MÖTLEY CRÜE   CHEAP TRICK + MÖTLEY CRÜE EmptyMar 17 Fév - 20:05

CHEAP TRICK + MÖTLEY CRÜE = affiche improbable, sauf à Rockford, ou Rick Nielsen est monté sur scène avec les motley, dommage que la vidéo soit pourrav :

MÖTLEY CRÜE bassist Nikki Sixx has issued the following update:

"Yesterday [Sunday, February 15] was a day I'll remember forever…

"Rick Nielsen is a friend. CHEAP TRICK are some of my heroes. Rockford, Illinois is home to both.

"Yesterday, like always when I'm coming into town, I call Rick or visa versa and if he ain't on tour we get a chance to hang out and talk music. Yesterday everything lined up perfectly. Rick wasn't on tour, so ten text messages and two emails later, our friendly hero pops into my dressing room. Katherine [Nikki's girlfriend, tattoo artist and 'L.A. Ink' star Kat Von D] was painting, I was listening down to some of the new THE LAST VEGAS music and retouching some photos.

"Meeting up with friends on the road is rare and it really does break the monotony from city to city. It was cool for Rick to meet Katherine and vice versa finally. Both so important to me.

"Okay, back to the banter, going back and forth in my lil domus a domus. I told him THE LAST VEGAS guys were huge fans (OK, so who isn't?) and he said, 'Hey, what if I jammed with them?' My jaw dropped, knowing what it was gonna be like for them.

"I played him some of their music and he ran home and grabbed his 55 Strat. Me and Katherine walked him onstage, he plugged in. What can I say?! The guys in THE LAST VEGAS were ear-to-ear smiles, as was everybody. I've met so many of my heroes, and it doesn't always turn out so pretty. This is a night to remember for them.

"Okay, back to the dressing room. In comes Mick Mars, and he says 'What ya say we break out 'Jailhouse Rock' tonight?' Looked at Rick and said, 'Ya wanna come up?' The guys in the band jumped at the chance and we put the song in the set. Now it's our turn to be blessed by our friend onstage.

"So we jammed a pretty smoking, yet unrehearsed version of the ELVIS PRESLEY classic and all in all, a wonderful time was had by all.

"Next up, tour bus heading to Rick's home. Now, I haven't been by his house since 1985 or so, and let's just say it's a rather foggy memory, but this one is burnt into my memory banks with a branding iron. We ended up, hours and hours looking at his wonderful guitar collection, and what a collection it is…

"I played (well, sorta, haha) 'Jailhouse Rock' on Elvis's acoustic, strummed on John Lennon and Jimi Hendrix's guitars and a few other insane classics that left me speechless. And last but not least, the many stories of legends long since gone. An amazing night.

"The heart of this man, the legacy of his music and his band's influence touch me still to this day.

"Rick, thank you…."
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