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 Alex De Rosso (dokken)

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Alex De Rosso (dokken) Empty
MessageSujet: Alex De Rosso (dokken)   Alex De Rosso (dokken) EmptyLun 23 Oct - 23:13

Former DOKKEN Guitarist Alex De Rosso Forming "Great Hard Rock Band" With VISION DIVINE Singer Michele Luppi
Alex De Rosso (dokken) 53553wh3
Guitarist Alex De Rosso (ex-DOKKEN) has posted the following message at his website:

"Hi !

Finally I have some big news for all of you...

I'm getting together a new great hard rock band with one of the finest hard and heavy rock singers...: Mike Luppi!

With Bob Parolin on drums and Roby Galli on bass, we are writing some amazing tracks! We will start the recording of the album soon... so stay tuned for more details... and... be ready!!!"

Further details as they surface.
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Alex De Rosso (dokken)
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