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Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: WHITESNAKE   WHITESNAKE EmptyMar 7 Nov - 20:56

WHITESNAKE Win "Best Band Of The Year", "Best DVD Of The Year" At Classic Rock Awards In London; New Studio Track Streaming Online

Last night (November 6th) at the prestigious Classic Rock Awards in London, WHITESNAKE won two awards. Voted "Best Band Of The Year" and "Best DVD Of The Year".

David Coverdale in person picked up the two awards and thanked everybody in his speech. One remarkable point was that the award for "Band Of The Year" was given by GLENN HUGHES with whom Coverdale was in DEEP PURPLE.

The new Whitesnake double album, Live... In The Shadow Of The Blues (including 4 new studio tracks), will be released in Germany on November 24th and in Europe on November 27th.

A promo-tour will happen directly to the release date. David Coverdale and Doug Aldrich will do acoustic sets and signing sessions in Germany:

24 - Saturn - Cologne, Germany (Hansaring 97, 5 PM)
25 - Saturn - Munich, Germany (Schwanthaler Strasse 115, 4 PM)

Both will also appear at the Sweden Rock Festival kick off party in Stockholm, Sweden on December 2nd.

The new studio song 'Ready To Rock' can be heard here.
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