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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: WHITESNAKE   WHITESNAKE EmptyVen 7 Nov - 0:19

WHITESNAKE Founder Objects To McCain Use Of 'Here I Go Again' At Campaign Event

Nick Juliano and David Edwards from is reporting:

The founding member of WHITESNAKE is objecting to John McCain's use of the hair-metal band's classic 'Here I Go Again' during a campaign rally in Colorado on Tuesday.

"I must respectfully object to having my music misappropriated for a political campaign that I do not personally support," David Coverdale said in an e-mail statement to Raw Story, after hearing the song at a McCain rally. "I am delighted to add that this election is my first voting experience as a brand new citizen of the United States of America... I voted for, and fully support, the Democratic representative, Senator Barak Obama, and believe in my heart and soul that he will best represent these United States in the most profound and fulfilling way."

Read more here.
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