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 WHITESNAKE New Studio Album

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

WHITESNAKE  New Studio Album Empty
MessageSujet: WHITESNAKE New Studio Album   WHITESNAKE  New Studio Album EmptyDim 25 Mar - 22:49

WHITESNAKE - New Studio Album Due In October

WHITESNAKE mainman David Coverdale has issued the following update:

"Just a quickie to let you know that all is ship shape and moving along wonderfully. I am thrilled, erect nipples an’ all, with the new songs and very excited to be presenting them to you later this year. SPV’s wish-list is for an October release, so, we’re not having to pressure ourselves with too extreme a deadline. God Willing, those days be gone. As far as touring, it appears this will also be late summer, as the entire world is out there on the road through the summer, doing their very best to seduce y'all. My US agent told me that every single amphitheater in every major city in the States has a ‘name’ act headlining every night of the week this, unless any significant touring opportunity presents itself I think we’ll concentrate on making a cracking record that will make us all proud. I see some of you were curious if I had ever met Mr. Brad Delp, who sadly, recently passed away. No... I didn’t have the pleasure, I’m sorry to say. I only crossed paths with Tom Scholz when we played the Texas Jam together way back when - a tale I will share at a later date. My sincere condolences to Brad’s Family - a tragic loss.. It’s interesting you should ask about GLENN (HUGHES). I was talking with Doug (Aldrich - guitar) recently that I was thinking that some of the new songs could use some of Glenn’s extraordinary singing, but, just a thought at this time. I haven't discussed anything with him. We shall have to see how that goes, so please don’t be holding me to anything. Glenn and I were in touch recently, with him telling me about his tour in Russia. He tells me there is great interest in a DP Mark 3 reunion over there."
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

WHITESNAKE  New Studio Album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WHITESNAKE New Studio Album   WHITESNAKE  New Studio Album EmptyJeu 12 Avr - 22:25

WHITESNAKE travaille sur le nouvel album : "Good to be Bad", pour une sortie en fin d'année.. La vidéo du nouveau morceau qui était sorti dans le live : Ready to Rock est en ligne ici :
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

WHITESNAKE  New Studio Album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WHITESNAKE New Studio Album   WHITESNAKE  New Studio Album EmptyMar 12 Juin - 0:12

WHITESNAKE travaille sur le nouvel album : "Good to be Bad", pour une sortie en fin d'année.. La vidéo du nouveau morceau qui était sorti dans le live : Ready to Rock est en ligne ici :

Reb Beach (WHITESNAKE, WINGER) va remplacer Jeff Watson dans NIGHT RANGER pour la tournée de cet été au Japan et aux U.S, ce qui est compatible avec le planning de WHITESNAKE .
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

WHITESNAKE  New Studio Album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WHITESNAKE New Studio Album   WHITESNAKE  New Studio Album EmptyVen 14 Sep - 19:07

voila une bonne nouvelle, le nouvel album : Good to be Bad" pour le 13 mai 2008 via spv, 14 titres produits par Mike Fraser, dont deux ballades, co-ecrits comme on l'avait dit précédemment par Coverdale et Aldrich. Pour rappel la video de Ready to Rock :

According to Classic Rock magazine, the new WHITESNAKE album, "Good to be Bad", will be released on May 13, 2008 via SPV. The CD was produced by Mike Fraser (AC/DC, AEROSMITH, COVERDALE/PAGE, METALLICA, etc.) and David Coverdale and features 14 songs (12 hard rock songs and two ballads), all of which were written by David Coverdale and guitarist Doug Aldrich. Other band members include Reb Beach (guitar), Tommy Aldridge (drums) and Uriah Duffy (bass).

WHITESNAKE's video for the new studio song "Ready to Rock" can be viewed below. The track is one of four previously unreleased cuts that appear on WHITESNAKE's new live record, entitled "Live… In the Shadow of the Blues", which was issued in Europe in November via Steamhammer/SPV Records.
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