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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: THE PROJECT HATE   THE PROJECT HATE EmptyVen 29 Déc - 20:54

THE PROJECT HATE - Rhythm Guitars "Nailed" For Upcoming 5th Album

Sweden's THE PROJECT HATE, featuring guitarist Lord K. Philipson (GOD AMONG INSECTS, ex-LEUKEMIA), Jörgen Sandström (ex-ENTOMBED, GRAVE), bassist Michael Håkansson (EVERGREY), guitarist Petter S. Freed (2 TON PREDATOR) and singer Jonna Enckell (IGNORANCE BLISS), have checked in with the following update:

"It's been a month since the last update here at the site, that doesn't mean we aren't doing shit, we are actually doing alot. The Hate activities have just been covered up close at our Forums instead of here. We suggest you browse them for all relevant information you might wanna know when it comes to the new album.

Anyways, here's a short rundown:

1. All the rhythm guitars are nailed for the coming 5th album, and have been so for a little while. What we are doing now is just adding plenty of details, solos and all that fun shit needed to make this piece perfect.

2. Talks with record labels are ongoing but nothing is settled yet as far as signing anything goes. We are taking our time and are still open to suggestions as we are going to take our time with this recording.

3. We plan to have this whole disc recorded and completed sometime in March/April. There is a reason for this time spended and hopefully we can announce why soon. If everything goes as we want them to, it's something to look forward to. Keep yer fingers crossed.

4. The album title, song titles and front cover are completed since quite some time back. We'll hand it all out as soon as we feel like it. Which might be a while.

5. It's 7 songs clocking in over an hour of the best music we ever wrote.

666. We have no 666th point but we kinda like this number.

Stay tuned here for all the info as we go along but remember that the Forums is where we announce all the latest things. You don't need to register to be able to read the crap but if you wanna post something, registration is needed.

Happy Hateful New Year and all that crap.

The Hate, December 29th, 2006."
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: THE PROJECT HATE   THE PROJECT HATE EmptyMar 23 Jan - 0:42

THE PROJECT HATE Complete Song Lyrics For New Album; Vocals To Be Recorded In March

Sweden's THE PROJECT HATE, featuring guitarist Lord K. Philipson (GOD AMONG INSECTS, ex-LEUKEMIA), Jörgen Sandström (ex-ENTOMBED, GRAVE), bassist Michael Håkansson (EVERGREY), guitarist Petter S. Freed (2 TON PREDATOR) and singer Jonna Enckell (IGNORANCE BLISS), have checked in with the following update:

"We just completed all the lyrics for the album and Jo's working hard on her stuff to complete those. K will now start recording all the lines for J and send them over to him for him to listen to so he can be prepared when we enter the studio for the vocals.

J wanted to do his vocals after Jo's this time around since he's always been doing his stuff first in the past and that's how we are going to execute it for this album. Jo first, J last. Backingvocals/guests after that.

We are planning to enter Rat Productions in March (where Jo did her vocals the last time) and start taping everything. She will come over to K's place a day before and we'll go thru everything to see that it all works out vocal wise and so forth.

Feels absolutely killer to finally be able to say that the lyrics are done. We have taken our time and expect nothing but some christ hating signature shit from TPH. Yeah, we are anti-christian like that. We are very happy about how everything's turned out so far. To say the least. Jo's got some insanely cool ideas for the stuff and we are dying to get those down for real.

Also, we have secured a new record deal and will announce everything as soon as possible. Needless to say, we are happy as arsonists inside a church."
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: THE PROJECT HATE   THE PROJECT HATE EmptyMer 14 Fév - 2:31

THE PROJECT HATE - "Exclusive" T-Shirts Available

Sweden's THE PROJECT HATE, featuring guitarist Lord K. Philipson (GOD AMONG INSECTS, ex-LEUKEMIA), Jörgen Sandström (ex-ENTOMBED, GRAVE), bassist Michael Håkansson (EVERGREY), guitarist Petter S. Freed (2 TON PREDATOR) and singer Jonna Enckell (IGNORANCE BLISS), have checked in with the following update:

"As you can see in the post below, new TPH shirts are available. If you want one (we print them by demand so we guess you could call them exclusive or some shit) follow the instructions in the thread.

We just want you to know that the last day we take any orders is February 26th, so if you write us and confirm that money is sent/transferred before or at that date, we'll make sure you get your shirt. After that date it will take about a week to get the shirts made and another week or 2 before they arrive at your place.

Support the dechristianization!"

"Do you want a brand new TPH design to wear in church? Enter our forums at and check it out."

The Project Hate recently confirmed that they will release their forthcoming fifth album via the StormVox label, owned by "Swedish (but a US resident) bound-to-be legendary actor/lunatic Peter Stormare".

More details as they surface.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: THE PROJECT HATE   THE PROJECT HATE EmptyDim 22 Juil - 22:47

THE PROJECT HATE Planning Release Party For In Hora Mortis Nostræ


Sweden's THE PROJECT HATE, featuring
guitarist Lord K. Philipson (GOD AMONG INSECTS, ex-LEUKEMIA),
Jörgen Sandström (ex-ENTOMBED, GRAVE),
bassist Michael Håkansson (EVERGREY),
guitarist Petter S. Freed (2 TON PREDATOR),
and newly enlisted drummer Mojjo (ENGEL),
have issued the following update:

"It's not too long until In Hora Mortis Nostræ is released now. One month... We so look forward to this beast being unleashed, to hear your reactions and opinions makes it all worth while. But that's not the reason for this post. This is:

We are planning a release-party. And for the first time ever all of us in TPH will meet up and be at the same place at the same time! It's weird that it hasn't happened yet, all due to us living in different cities and all - but now is the time. The six of us celebrating the new masterpiece together with all of you. We dig that.

We are waiting for a definite date when we can get some albums to sell at this party, and then we'll announce the date for this. What we do know is that we'll host this party at Club Aska in Örebro, Sweden. And Satin is the place to go. As mentioned, all we are waiting for is to know when the albums will come around so we can sell them for a good price this night. If everything works out, this will happen in September. And yes, we are working on getting our label boss Peter Stormare there, though he might be busy being a movie star and shit.

And no, we are not going to perform this evening (though we actually planned to). But we are definitely asking some awesome band to join us this night to get your live-nerve satisfied.

We have some other plans for this event, which might turn out really cool, but it's too early to go into that right now. Hang in there and check this site (and the Forums) out for all the latest Hate details. More info to follow."
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: THE PROJECT HATE   THE PROJECT HATE EmptyDim 26 Aoû - 22:35

THE PROJECT HATE - New Album Sample Available


Sweden's THE PROJECT HATE, featuring guitarist Lord K. Philipson (GOD AMONG INSECTS, ex-LEUKEMIA), singer Jörgen Sandström (ex-ENTOMBED, GRAVE), bassist Michael Håkansson (EVERGREY), guitarist Petter S. Freed (2 TON PREDATOR), singer Jonna Enckell (IGNORANCE BLISS) and newly enlisted drummer Mojjo (ENGEL), have issued the following update:

"Since it's Sunday and it's only three more weeks until the release of In Hora Mortis Nostræ, we have decided to hand you another small clip for you to burn down churches to. This edited tune is called 'And Damnation Is Forced Upon The Weak' and lasts for about three minutes instead of its original ten. Needless to say, this will give you nothing but a very small hint of what's to expect with the coming album.

Hope you enjoy it, and remember, September 15th, 2007, is the date of Armageddon. That's when StormVox will unleash In Hora Mortis Nostræ upon the world."

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