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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: LOVE/HATE   LOVE/HATE EmptyLun 5 Fév - 23:17

LOVE/HATE - Original Lineup Reuniting For Hollywood Date

The original LOVE/HATE lineup (singer Jizzy Pearl, guitarist Jon E. Love, bassist Skid Rose, drummer Joey Gold) have scheduled a date at Club Vodda - The Knitting Factory in Hollywood, CA on February 24th.

Says Skid, "We are going to play Blackout In The Redroom in it's entirety.

It's like riding a bike sort of, the fun part is that I'm talking to the guys. One thing that I forgot is how loud live music is, standing next to Joe's kit is intense, he's smashing the drums and I'm a few feet away and it feels like I'm in a war zone or a heavy industrial factory.

The bass is painful to play, lucky for me that when you play for as many years as I did the balls on the tips of your fingers never go away so it hurts but not that bad.

Well, I'm going to rock at this gig but there's no way I could hump the cross, I mean it makes me laugh to think about the mindset it took to do that. I used to gig in a trance, not just loaded.

I am fit, and I have the moves and I still am on the crazy side, but the idea of a 47 year old man shirtless humping the budcross seems not only undignified but also a bit perverted or shall I say obscene. So I will spare us all the embarasment. But, that's not to say that I won't do it in the future.

I will post my unobjective observations of the Club Vodka show, until then so long."
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