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 LOVE/HATE - Live Pics From UK Show

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: LOVE/HATE - Live Pics From UK Show   LOVE/HATE - Live Pics From UK Show EmptyLun 14 Jan - 2:10

LOVE/HATE - Live Pics From UK Show Available

LOVE/HATE - Live Pics From UK Show T81255 has posted a set of pics from LOVE/HATE's December 17th stop at Camden Underworld in London, UK. The band, featuring members Jizzy Pearl (vocals), Skid Rose (bass) and Joey Gold (drums), recently reformed for a UK tour this past December.

Head to this location to view.

As previously reported, Love/Hate will be teaming up with GUNS N' ROSES keyboardist Dizzy Reed's HOOKERS N' BLOW for a US tour this year. Booking and additional info can be found at the tour's official site here.

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