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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: LIZZY BORDEN   LIZZY BORDEN EmptyJeu 4 Jan - 2:44

LIZZY BORDEN: "I Gravitated Towards Bands That Were Doing Anything Theatrical"
LIZZY BORDEN T57802 Rock Eyes ( ) has issued an interview with LIZZY BORDEN namesake Lizzy Borden, conducted by Brian Rademacher. The following is an excerpt from the interview:

Q: Who was more of an influence on you - ALICE COOPER or KISS? And why?

A: They both were; I gravitated towards bands that were doing anything theatrical. If I even heard of a band that was doing something theatrical, I wanted to know more. Those were the bands that did it for me. I was too young to see Cooper, but KISS was a prime target for me and that was the first concert I saw. They blew my mind when I saw them live in 1976, and I said, 'That’s what I want to do.' I saw them again on the Destroyer tour. I heard Cooper first, and heard Billion Dollar Babies years before I heard KISS. So, Cooper started me off and KISS took over.

Read the full interview at this location.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: LIZZY BORDEN   LIZZY BORDEN EmptyJeu 15 Mar - 21:40

LIZZY BORDEN - New Album To Features TRIVIUM Guitarist, Y&T Frontman

TRIVIUM guitarist Corey Beaulieu and Y&T frontman Dave Meniketti are to guest on the next album from veteran shock rockers LIZZY BORDEN.

Stay tuned for more details on the new album from Lizzy and his gang.

Lizzy Borden bassist Marten Andersson recently commented on the upcoming album, stating: "The New Lizzy Borden CD is coming along great, Ira (Black) is about to start his ripping leads and Lizzy is in there singing his ass off right now. The CD will be out this summer, you definitely want to pick it up, I would say it's the best Lizzy CD to date."
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» Lizzy Borden
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» LIZZY BORDEN - New Video Interview Available
» LIZZY BORDEN - photos gallery

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