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 Lizzy Borden

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Lizzy Borden   Lizzy Borden EmptySam 12 Aoû - 20:20

Former Adult Film Star Lizzy Borden Inks Deal With Crash Music, Inc.

Former adult film star Lizzy Borden has signed with Crash Music, Inc. to be the label's official spokesmodel. Lizzy will appear in Crash Music Advertisements, metalfests and select videos of Crash Music artists.

Borden is currently making a DVD in conjunction with Crash Music in which she will be conducting interviews, talking with fans, dancing to the music of Crash bands and much more! Lizzy is also set to be featured at Crash Music events and record release parties in the near future.

Crash Music president, Mark Nawara said "We are extremely excited to have Lizzy on board as the Crash Music spokes model. We feel we can do some great cross promotion together while turning her fans on to some great music".

Borden, who is known for her controversial adult releases and her unwavering stance on First Amendment issues, says she is honored to have been chosen by Crash Music to represent the label and their artist. "I have always loved music so this is a dream come true. I am so excited to be working with everyone at Crash and can't wait for everyone to see my first DVD release Lizzy Borden's Monsters, Music, Madness."

The first wave of Crash advertisements featuring Lizzy will start in November.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Lizzy Borden Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lizzy Borden   Lizzy Borden EmptyLun 16 Oct - 19:41

New "Heavy, Dark And Melodic" LIZZY BORDEN Album Due In June

LIZZY BORDEN has posted the following update:

"Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve reported, but we have been wrapped up in the studio writing a brand new Lizzy Borden record! We have around ten songs so far and another ten in the works. It’s a little too early to even try and describe what the record will sound like; all I can say is it's heavy, dark and melodic at the same time. We hope to enter pre-production by October and start recording soon after. The record is slated for a June, 2007 release.

We are in the middle of searching for new management for the band, so it has been a little chaotic trying to find the right person for the job. I have no doubts that person will emerge for us very soon. I’m also working on a really cool project that involves one of our past records and a DVD, will announce shortly.

Our ‘summer of blood’ tour with W.A.S.P. was amazing; it was great to see so many metal fans come out to see our brand new ‘best of’ show. W.A.S.P. was very good to us and it was a pleasure being on the road with them.

Because this show encompasses songs from each record, we are making plans to do a bit more touring so everyone will get a chance to see us play songs we haven’t played in years. Dates will be announced very soon, Keep checking and for all upcoming Lizzy Borden News."
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Lizzy Borden Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lizzy Borden   Lizzy Borden EmptyLun 16 Oct - 19:44

LIZZY BORDEN Offer "Artistic Direction" In Updated Logo Search
Lizzy Borden 52915ff6
The following message has been posted at the LIZZY BORDEN MySpace page in regards to the band's search for an updated logo to accompany the concept of their forthcoming album:

"The response to the Logo artwork is overwhelming!

We really want to thank all those who have sent in their ideas; all the effort that went into each and everyone is deeply appreciated.

A lot of people have been asking for a bit more direction. The reason why we we're a little vague is because we wanted to get a fresh perspective from the artist point of view.

As far as changing the shape of the logo, we don't mind a little modification to update it, but just to be clear, we are not looking for a new Logo.

The Lizzy Borden Logo has been the staple for us for many years and we intend on keeping that tradition.

What we are looking for is more, a renovation to the Logo.

Like we've stated before it's gone through many changes throughout the years (go to the cd section of our website to view the Logo on our past records) and you will see what we mean.

When the logo went from straight colors to the ripped up flag dangling off, it was a great leap, and now we're looking to Leap again! So keep the ideas coming…

Hint: (we're not looking for anything with an axe)

We are also in the middle of working on ideas for the cover of the new record, though information on the concept of the record is not available at this time, it's more about finding the artist that appeals to us first. When we do find that person we will reveal the concept to him/her and go for a more tailored approach.

Once again we want to thank all those who have and are participating in sharing their Logo Ideas with us and look forward to receiving more of your ideas in the coming weeks ahead."
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Lizzy Borden Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lizzy Borden   Lizzy Borden EmptyDim 3 Juin - 23:25

LIZZY BORDEN Issues Mixing Update

LIZZY BORDEN namesake Lizzy Borden checks in with the following update:

"Well, we finally finished this gigantic epic of a record.

Joey Scott and I have been down here in Tampa, Florida at Mana Recording Studios for the past week compiling a few hundred tracks in the (B) room with Brian Elliott. Brian is doing an amazing job assembling and setting up this beast. Saturday the monster goes into the (A) room with Erik Rutan for the full “over the top, everything and the kitchen sink” mix.

I will update as we go."

Lizzy Borden's new album is due out in late summer, 2007. Stay tuned for further updates.

As previously reported, Lizzy has shot the cover of the as yet unnamed new recording. Lizzy is working with special effects wizard and make-up artist Ralis Kahn ( ). Although no details have been revealed, Ralis has designed the set and the look of the band based on the characters in the storyline of the new recording.

Famed ‘Metal’ photographer Alex Solca took well over 1,000 shots in a two-day marathon, involving extras as well as the band (Lizzy, Joey Scott, Marten Andersson and Ira Black). At the end of the two-day shoot the set was literally set a blaze!, with flames shooting 30 feet into the air! And all captured on film.

“Because a lot of music is going straight to itunes, we thought we would pay special attention to both the cover and the back cover and fill the inside of the CD booklet with tons of fun shots from this specialized photo shoot. As we all know, very soon there will no longer be an actual CD to have a cool booklet for. Everything will go straight from the studio to your ipod, so we thought we would really do this one up right!”, commented Lizzy.

Fifteen hours worth of video footage was also filmed during the two day shoot. Stay tuned to for the ‘Making Of’ as well as the cover to be posted soon.
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