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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: ANTHRAX   ANTHRAX EmptyMer 10 Jan - 21:25

ANTHRAX - Scareaoke: Singshot Winners Announced; Band Set To Begin Writing "New Shit"

The following update has been posted at the ANTHRAX website:

"The screams have died down, the votes are tallied and we have winners to the first ever Anthrax online singing contest!

First Place: Mr. Strype
Runner-up: Metal Dozer
Third place: MoshMan951

Be sure to check them all out at! Mr. Strype's pretty spot on and we had 31-people total that got Caught In A Mosh. Not bad Thraxians! Mr. Strype won a Shure SM58 vocal microphone plus a signed item from a recent tour. Metal Dozer's got autographed CDs coming his way and MoshMan951 won some cool merch. Horns to everybody who entered!

The Holidays are over and we'll be getting back together to write some hot new shit any day now. Details to come as get here. Hope everyone had killer Holidays and stay metal!"
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: ANTHRAX   ANTHRAX EmptySam 20 Jan - 18:34

ANTHRAX - New Battlestar Galactica Set Visit Photos Posted Online has posted more never before seen photos of ANTHRAX members Scott Ian and Frankie Bello and webmaster Brent Thompson on the set of their favorite TV show, Battlestar Galactica. Ian and Bello are pictured with cast member, Tricia Helfer, this month’s Playboy magazine covergirl, as well as cast members James Callis and Jamie Bamber. New episodes of Battlestar Galactica return to the Sci Fi Channel on Sunday, January 20 at 10:00 PM. The photos can be viewed at this location
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: ANTHRAX   ANTHRAX EmptyJeu 15 Fév - 0:54

ANTHRAX Home Invasion

ANTHRAX T60392 The following has been posted at the ANTHRAX MySpace page:

"Anthrax: Invade Your Home...

Over the years Anthrax have destroyed homes on Headbanger's Ball, Married With Children and now's YOUR chance! Get Anthrax to jam at your place in the virtual universe of Weblo, the web's premier virtual world!

Charlie, Frank and Scott are getting ready to write the next album and you can host a virtual jam on your Weblo property. All you gotta do is: Register here with Weblo

Look around the globe for the sickest place for Anthrax to jam. A castle in England, a beach hut in Hawaii, a prison in Turkey… your mom's basement! Whatever's available! Don't worry, it's a buyer's market. Once you're registered at Weblo, simply click on the Properties link in the top menu then click 'Register a Property' and you're on your way!

Submit your local here ( ). Pimp your space out, show your love for Anthrax. Anthrax will pick the best space to jam and that locale gets to host an Anthrax demo MP3 on their page and wins a autographed Anthrax drumhead!

Soooooooo register now! Buy your spot in the world before someone else does and let Anthrax can get jamming!"
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: ANTHRAX   ANTHRAX EmptyMer 6 Juin - 20:42

ANTHRAX Guitarist Welcomes New Twins!

ANTHRAX T67524 ANTHRAX guitarist Dan Spitz has announced new additions to his family: "Well... Brendan Alan Spitz and Jaden Michael Spitz are here - finally," Spitz exclaims! "Born May 29th!!! The twins are really hard work to say the least but twice the fun!"

As previously reported, Anthrax are reportedly working on a new record with SLIPKNOT/STONE SOUR frontman Corey Taylor. A new singer will be announced by the band at the end of June.

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