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 Mike LePond's (SYMPHONY X)

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Mike LePond's (SYMPHONY X) Empty
MessageSujet: Mike LePond's (SYMPHONY X)   Mike LePond's (SYMPHONY X) EmptyVen 19 Jan - 16:39

Mike LePond's (SYMPHONY X) T58551 The bass guitar that SYMPHONY X' Mike LePond used to record V: The New Mythology Suite and that he played on tour from 2000-2002, (including when Live On The Edge Of Forever was recorded) is up on eBay. The auction is open until January 21st; you can check it out at here (eBay item number 170069444493).

As previously reported, Symphony X are putting the finishing touches on their forthcoming album, Paradise Lost, due out later this year via InsideOut.
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Mike LePond's (SYMPHONY X)
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