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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: VANISHING POINT   VANISHING POINT EmptyMer 24 Jan - 19:01

VANISHING POINT Enlist New Drummer

Aussie power metallers VANISHING POINT have found a new drummer to replace the departed Jack Lukic - his name is Christian Nativo. A statement from the skinsman reads as follows:

"Hello everyone, my name is Christian Nativo and I'm pleased to announced that I am the new drummer for Vanishing Point. Previous to VP I have been playing in Melbourne metal band PTB (POWERS THAT BE) and doing freelance / session work for bands all around Melbourne and Interstate. I feel extremely honored to be playing music with such a talented group of musicians and I look forward to meeting you all on the road and at the shows."
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: VANISHING POINT   VANISHING POINT EmptyLun 29 Jan - 0:32

VANISHING POINT - New Studio Album Expected To be Complete By April

VANISHING POINT have issued the following update on their forthcoming album:

"OK, the new album... so far we have some album titles but nothing concrete. There will be an announcement in the next couple of months. To be honest, with all that's been going on and the hectic schedule of the recording we have had our focus there. Which brings us to the album and how it is shaping up. So far, so good, the album musically is a little heavier than usual, but for Vanishing Point fans it is a step up and musically it is melodic, bombastic, dynamic, quicker and suprise suprise... shorter than Embrace The Silence. The music is completed, just doing edits at the moment on the drums and keyboards . Silvio will be in the studio the first week of January to start the vocals and will continue on until the album is finished. All in all we expect the album to be completed by April. We wanted to finish it earlier but we can't and have to be respectful to other bands who are to use the studio as well, if you ask us...fuck 'em, bastards!!! Heh heh, only kidding."

As previously reported, Vanishing Point have found a new drummer to replace the departed Jack Lukic - his name is Christian Nativo. A statement from the skinsman reads as follows:

"Hello everyone, my name is Christian Nativo and I'm pleased to announced that I am the new drummer for Vanishing Point. Previous to VP I have been playing in Melbourne metal band PTB (POWERS THAT BE) and doing freelance / session work for bands all around Melbourne and Interstate. I feel extremely honored to be playing music with such a talented group of musicians and I look forward to meeting you all on the road and at the shows."
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