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 Vanishing Point

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Vanishing Point Empty
MessageSujet: Vanishing Point   Vanishing Point EmptyMar 5 Sep - 0:10

Vanishing Point

Le nouveau bassiste de Vanishing Point s'appele Steve Cox
pour ceux qui étaient un peu passés a cote de ce bon groupe de metal prog australien, ils viennet de mettre en ligne Breathe, un morceau d'embrace the silence, ce qui fait 4 morceaux complets en écoute, de quoi a se faire une opinion ...
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Vanishing Point Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Vanishing Point   Vanishing Point EmptyMer 6 Déc - 21:15

VANISHING POINT - Drummer Jack Lukic To Play Final Date With Band This Saturday

Vanishing Point T56280 Aussie power metallers VANISHING POINT have issued the following update:

"Dear friends and fans... we regret to announce our brother Jack (Lukic) is retiring from his role as our drummer. We are so proud of Jack and his new found priorities in life and we can't wish him anymore luck than we have already. This Saturday night, December 9th will be Jack's last gig with Vanishing Point and GAMMA RAY in Melbourne Australia at the HI FI Ballroom... Here he is with his own words...

"Hi everyone this is Jack here, drummer from Vanishing Point. I wish to inform you all that after 16 great years with Vanishing Point, it has now come to the time for me to call it the day. All my goals I believe have been fulfilled as a musician, recording three albums, European tours and film clips to name a few. After just getting married and my wife now expecting twins, my focus is now more on family rather than music.I will still remain to be close to the band and will help them when in need. I have also recorded the drums to the follow up album "Embrace the Silence" which the title is yet to be named. We all still remain close friends and I wish all the success they thoroughly deserve in the upcoming future. Please be assured that Vanishing Point still are as strong as ever before which will be proven with the release of the new album sometime next year.

I wish Tommy, Silvio, Chris and Steve all the best with the release of the new album and the future.

To all the fans of Vanishing Point, I thank you all for your support throughout the years and I hope I have not disappointed you in anyway.Now it's time to move on to the next chapter in my life, teaching my children to become the next generation of headbangers.

Thank you all,

Jack Lukic"

Thank's Jack for everything you have done mate, all of us will miss you very much but we will be glad to see the end of all the little rippers you so kindly let us smell..but most of all we will miss your amazing sense of humour which has cracked us up many times, your kind heart, and your endless support that you have given us throught the years. You have been our foundation from where the band has been built on. Thank you for being there time after time you will be difficult to replace not just as a drummer but as someone who we consider to be all our best friend.

Vanishing Point."
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