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 ROCKSTAR SUPERNOVA vocalist Lukas Rossi

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

ROCKSTAR SUPERNOVA vocalist Lukas Rossi Empty
MessageSujet: ROCKSTAR SUPERNOVA vocalist Lukas Rossi   ROCKSTAR SUPERNOVA vocalist Lukas Rossi EmptyLun 30 Avr - 13:45

LUKAS ROSSI - Working On Acoustic EP

ROCKSTAR SUPERNOVA vocalist Lukas Rossi T65128 ROCKSTAR SUPERNOVA vocalist Lukas Rossi has issued the following blog:

"Hello peeps... I'm in Canada right now visiting family and friends, but also I am writing and recording stuff for a new acoustic EP and for the next band album too. The acoustic tour starts June 6th and will take me all through the US and Canada too... I cant wait to see you all again... xoxox One love, Luke."
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ROCKSTAR SUPERNOVA vocalist Lukas Rossi
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