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 JON OLIVA To Guest On Metal Express Radio

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

JON OLIVA To Guest On Metal Express Radio Empty
MessageSujet: JON OLIVA To Guest On Metal Express Radio   JON OLIVA To Guest On Metal Express Radio EmptyMer 2 Mai - 20:21

JON OLIVA To Guest On Metal Express Radio This Friday

JON OLIVA To Guest On Metal Express Radio 65318

Metal Express Radio has issued the following update:

"JON OLIVA, the legendary mastermind behind SAVATAGE, will be the host for this Friday's "Guest DJ Hour" on Metal Express Radio!

For those familiar with Mr. Oliva, you'll know that he's not the least bit shy in front of a microphone, especially when dealing with a captive audience!

Be prepared for anything, and we know you'll enjoy Jon's spin on the songs he will play, along with his seemingly endless supply of hilarious anecdotes!

You won't want to miss this "Guest DJ Hour" on Friday the 27th at 3 PM & 9 PM (CET) (9 AM, 3 PM (EST).

More info here.
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JON OLIVA To Guest On Metal Express Radio
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