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 AMON AMARTH - New Interview With Metal Express Radio ...

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Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

AMON AMARTH - New Interview With Metal Express Radio ... Empty
MessageSujet: AMON AMARTH - New Interview With Metal Express Radio ...   AMON AMARTH - New Interview With Metal Express Radio ... EmptyLun 10 Nov - 15:01

AMON AMARTH - New Interview With Metal Express Radio Available

AMON AMARTH - New Interview With Metal Express Radio ... T100517 AMON AMARTH guitarist Olavi Mikkonen is featured in a new interview with Metal Express Radio. Following is a brief excerpt:

MER: From December 28 - 31 of 08 you will be treating German fans to "Bloodshed Over Bochum", which will see Amon Amarth playing The first four full length albums, one album per day. This is a fan's dream come true. How was this idea conceived and how did how did it come to fruition?

Olavi: "Actually that's one of the other things we talked about in the meeting with Metal Blade last year. The idea we had from the beginning was that it would be fun to do a smaller club tour were we would only play all old songs, but we realized that in reality maybe it's not that easy to pull off. Then someone came up with the idea to book one venue four days in a row, we thought it was a good idea and the more we thought about it, the better it sounded. As far as I
know the four day passes have sold out, so it's going to be amazing!!"

MER: A few weeks ago Roope from CHILDREN OF BODOM, was telling me about the solo he did on the title track of Twilight of the Thunder God. He expressed that it was strange to do this over the computer and communicate this way while recording, but at the same time a lot of fun. Was it strange for you as well, and how did Roope fall into this duty?

Olavi: "First of all I think he did an EXCELLENT job!! We always had the idea that we wanted a guitar shredder in one of our songs. Me and Johan... we didn't... we couldn't... we can't shred (laughter)... so we asked Roope since we know Roope likes us, and we like Roope, and he said 'Yes of course' so we gave him the fastest song (laughter)... so we could use his talent to the full potential. I heard he had some trouble with his computer back home, but it all worked out and we are VERY pleased."

Go to this location for the complete interview.
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