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 Metal Express Radio - DORO

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Metal Express Radio - DORO Empty
MessageSujet: Metal Express Radio - DORO   Metal Express Radio - DORO EmptyLun 31 Déc - 13:51

Metal Express Radio - DORO Featured This Friday, Hair Apparents - Best Of 2007 To Air New Year's Day

BW&BK has received the following update from Metal Express Radio:

"First and foremost, all of us here at Metal Express Radio wish to extend a heartfelt Happy New Year to all our listeners and their families and friends!!! We hope you and yours has a safe and fruitful 2008! We thank you for the continued support you've given us and we hope to continue to fulfill your expectations in 2008 and beyond!

Doro Pesch has been referred to as the female voice of Metal Rock and this week we have her as our Guest DJ! Metal Express Radio recently caught some time with the ex-WARLOCK vocalist and accomplished solo artist, so be sure to tune in as she unleashes a tasty selection of her all-time favorite songs! Mark your calendars to listen in at 15:00 and 21:00 CET (9am and 3pm EST) on Friday!!!

Due to technical difficulties the Metal Express Radio/Nightmare Records' Progressive Power Metal Show did not start its test run on December 30th as previously communicated, so rest assured you didn't miss anything ... yet!!! Lance King himself will be your weekly host and the show will spotlight a band from the Nightmare Records label each week and we’ll feature 3 songs by that band. The rest of the show will be comprised of choice selections from other Nightmare Records Progressive and Power Metal bands! The initial show will air on January 6th!

This Tuesday's Hairbanger's Hairspray is dedicated to the Hair Apparents of 2007 as our 2nd annual Hair Apparents - Best Of 2007 airs on New Year's Day! Join us for a full hour dedicated to a replay of tracks from some of 2007's best Hair Apparents. We'll also ring in the first Hair Apparent of 2008, which is an old acquaintance that should not be forgotten! Be sure to tune in on Thursday at 15:00 and 21:00 CET (9am and 3pm EST)!!!

This Thursday's Special Feature is The Best Hard Rock Band Of All Times: AC/DC! It was 35 years ago that AC/DC played their first gig in Australia. It happened on New Year’s Eve 1973. What happened afterwards is well known to all, and there is hardly a Metal fan who doesn’t enjoy an occasional dose of Down Under’s finest! Enjoy a full hour dedicated to tracks from the band through the years. Be sure to tune in on Thursday at 15:00 and 21:00 CET (9am and 3pm EST)!"

Tune in to Metal Express Radio here.
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