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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: DOOGIE WHITE Issues Post-CORNERSTONE   DOOGIE WHITE Issues Post-CORNERSTONE EmptyLun 7 Mai - 13:59

DOOGIE WHITE Issues Post-CORNERSTONE European Tour Update

Vocalist DOOGIE WHITE has issued the following update upon returning from CORNERSTONE's European tour:

"Whoa...that was pretty intense! A two and a half week ride through Yurp. Rocking in Germany, Belgium, Holland, Austria, Switzerland and Denmark. Would have done Luxemburg, and actually went there, but no one turned up to let us into the venue. So we waited outside and played football with some fans until Chris Heun (bass player with RAZORBACK) kicked the ball onto the roof. By then we decided that none of us were quite young enough to climb up a drainpipe the 30 or so feet to recover the ball.

The shows were all very good even, if the halls were not bursting to capacity. The crowds still got a first class show and in return sang and rawked the night away. The show in Bonn had a very odd sound during 'Singing Alone' and I motioned the band to quieten down just to hear what was going on - the whole venue was singing along quite spontaniously. Now that had the hairs standing!

We are looking into doing it all again later in the year. Change the set a bit, get to some of the same places and some different ones. If you were at the shows... thanks for coming. You saw and heard how hard we RAWK - you felt the passion. If you did not make it, well, there is always next time!"
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: DOOGIE WHITE Issues Post-CORNERSTONE   DOOGIE WHITE Issues Post-CORNERSTONE EmptyDim 23 Sep - 16:21

Singer Doogie White - "I Have Not Even Started Recording With YNGWIE"

Singer Doogie White (YNGWIE MALSTEEN, CORNERSTONE, ROYAL HUNT) has provided with the following update:

"I am really really happy and excited by the new EMPIRE album. I think the songs are very strong and personally I felt very creative during the writing. It could be my best vocal performance to date. Certainly the recording process was relaxed in a rawkin' kinda way. I think that its possible that we can take it on the road. Its a lean mean machine and I would love to play these songs in the live arena."

Doogie went to Florida in July to meet up with Yngwie. Says Doogie: "I have not even started the recording with Yngwie. He is working on the music production and lyrics at the moment. We have agreed in principle that I will sing it and we are both enthusiastic about doing a third album together."

About his plans for his new solo album: "The drums are being recorded at the moment. All the songs are written and I just have to wait and see what the availability of the various players. The demos sound great and I hope that I can get a band together to do some shows in the UK and then further afield later on. There is no rush to secure a deal or anything as I am financing it out of my own pocket. So once it is all in place I will see if anyone is interested."

Doogie ends with: "I'll be meeting up with Joey (Lynn Turner) and Greg (Smith) in Madrid on Wednesday for a beer and a laugh. Have not seen them for a few years and we have a loot of breeze to shoot."

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