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 Doogie White "Pressing Ahead With Solo Album"

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Doogie White "Pressing Ahead With Solo Album"   Doogie White "Pressing Ahead With Solo Album" EmptyMer 5 Mar - 19:08

Vocalist Doogie White "Pressing Ahead With Solo Album"

Vocalist Doogie White - who parted ways with YNGWIE MALMSTEEN on February 26th - has issued the following update:

"Well its a week or so now since my departure from Yngwie's Rising Force. Just wanted to say a huge thanks to everyone who has mailed me to say how much they enjoyed my work with the Big Swede. It really was time and not totally unexpected. I am weighing up my options at the moment and pressing ahead with the solo album I started in September 20 07. I am just having to bring my plans forward a little and do a wee bit of juggling schedule-wise."

In a previous update regarding his solo effort, White added: "So far I have secured the awesome talents of Craig Goldy (DIO) and Pontus Norgren (TALISMAN, GREAT KING RAT), Rudy Sarzo (QUIET RIOT, DIO, OZZY OSBOURNE), Neil Murray (BLACK SABBATH, WHITESNAKE) and Greg Smith, Patrik Johansson (Yngwie Malmsteen) and the very splendid Derek Sherinian (DREAM THEATER, Yngwie Malmsteen). In addition to these guys, RATA BLANCA's guitarist and mainman Walter Giardino has agreed to play on a couple of songs."
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Doogie White "Pressing Ahead With Solo Album"
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