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 TANK Return With New Singer DOOGIE WHITE

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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TANK Return With New Singer DOOGIE WHITE

TANK Return With New Singer DOOGIE WHITE 103301 has received the following press release:

"The legendary British power metal mercenaries TANK have re-grouped and are ready for battle once more. The release of the Dogs Of War boxed set earlier this year was a great success which led to the inevitable re-release of the entire back catalogue (Metal Mind records). This has proved very popular with the die hard fans of old and helped to amass a new army of young fans worldwide.

Tank are now very much in demand on the live front after being absent from the touring circuit for several years. With a distinctive attitude and energy to their trademark sound, Tank now have a new all-star line-up, fully equipped to crush everything in their path.
Joining Mick Tucker and Cliff Evans on guitars will be original drummer Mark Brabbs. A very welcome return for the powerhouse skinsman.

Two new recruits will now be joining the ranks. Ex-RITCHIE BLACKMORE’S RAINBOW/YNGWIE MALMSTEEN frontman, Doogie White, will be taking care of all vocal duties and ex-BRUCE DICKINSON band bass player, Chris Dale, completes the line-up.

Original Tank vocalist/bassist, Algy Ward, has decided to retire from active service and will concentrate his efforts on writing his autobiography. We wish him all the best.

This new lineup will prove to be a major force to be reckoned with and will add a new dimension to the unmistakable TANK sound, driving them forward, unstoppable into 2009.

Prepare for battle."
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