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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: BLACK CROWES   BLACK CROWES EmptyDim 20 Mai - 22:59

Former BLACK CROWES Guitarist To Hit The Road In Support Of New Album

BLACK CROWES T66465 MARC FORD, the former BLACK CROWES guitarist is heading out on tour in support of his new solo album Weary And Wired, out now on Blues Bureau Records. Weary And Wired features Ford on guitars and vocals, Mark “Muddy”Dutton on bass and Doni Gray on drums.

“My influences go way beyond as I do not play nor do I listen to rock," explains Ford about the album. “What influences my playing is folk, blues, jazz, gospel, country, reggae and the list goes on...”
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: BLACK CROWES   BLACK CROWES EmptyLun 6 Aoû - 23:16

THE BLACK CROWES Complete Recordings For 2008 Release

THE BLACK CROWES have completed the recording of their new album and will start mixing in September for a spring 2008 release.

Sixteen new tracks were recorded, none of which have yet been played to a live audience. The album was recorded at Allaire Studios in Shokan, New York and was produced by Paul Stacey and The Black Crowes.

Prior to the start of recording, The Black Crowes brought in Adam MacDougall to perform on keyboards and are proud to announce that Adam will be joining The Black Crowes for future touring.

In addition, The Black Crowes invited guitarist Luther Dickinson from North Mississippi Allstars to perform on the record.

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