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 ARCH ENEMY( Angela Gossow )

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

ARCH ENEMY( Angela Gossow ) Empty
MessageSujet: ARCH ENEMY( Angela Gossow )   ARCH ENEMY( Angela Gossow ) EmptyLun 28 Mai - 21:59

ARCH ENEMY's Angela Gossow - Your Questions Answered

ARCH ENEMY( Angela Gossow ) 66725

The following has been posted at ARCH ENEMY frontwoman Angela Gossow's MySpace page:

"Your questions answered... about Hasselhoff, guilty pleasures and vocals as usual...


I have collected a bunch of questions, some of them are a little out there... but so am I. Enjoy!

What is Germany's obsession with David Hasselhoff???

He is a professional alcoholic in swimwear, overly tanned, wasted but still chasing young chicks and so very macho. It seems to be attractive to middle-aged German housewifes. Why? I don't know. But it was a good reason for me to leave the country and move to Sweden! Although, I believe after the public release of his daughters home movie, his popularity has suffered badly. WHAT AN ASSHOLE!

Were you ever arrested as a youth?

No. I nicked quite a few chocolate bars though, smoked dried leaves and took a dump in front of a neighbors door whom all kids hated. Wasn't all too bad compared to today's youth. My mum always defended us, being convinced her children were nothing but ANGELS. We were called 'The Gossow clan' – the four of us were rather infamous in the local community, haha.

What is it REALLY like touring with four guys?

You mean 8 guys – the band plus crew! I don't know. I am either sleeping, stoned or off the bus ;-) Seriously, it is great with THESE four guys. Cuz they are wonderful, funny, intelligent, loving, caring and very easy-going. Not many people have the ability to be virtually invisible in such a small space. We have all acquired this ability. Nobody in Arch Enemy has a difficult attitude. That's the secret to live happily ever after on a tourbus!

Do you have any guilty pleasures?

I have pleasures, but do not feel any guilt.

What issues (political/social, etc.) make your blood boil?

Violence, war, rape and child abuse, environmental pollution, racism, the meat industry, the isolation and loneliness of many individuals in this society. Basicallly, I am constantly a little angry ;-)

What is one aspect about yourself that no one would ever think is stereotypical or representative of you?

I cant watch movies with extreme violence against children. I get severely depressed from it.


First off, I love you death, and I learned how to scream and growl off of your advice alone. I was muted screaming before hand, and it records well, but sucks anyway else. I know I'm doing the faux chord technique correctly, because I don't lose my high register with regular singing...I've been singing for 22 years, and I'm 26 now. Shit I can jump back and forth....And yes I have an alto voice. Green tea is a huge help....and SHHHH!!! so is ephedrine (opens up my lungs...I have slight asthma as well)

The PROBLEM I have is long phrasing, while screaming...I feel light headed and like passing out....I was chest breathing, now I've tried deep diaphragm/belly breathing but somehow it still ends up under my ribs. SOOOOO am I letting out too much air at once and being too forceful.. or do I just need do more breathing exercises and strengthen those muscles...and no I don't smoke....anything...ha ha. I don't really want to throw myself into a band until I have this figured out, no passing out on stage ya know.


Basically you try to scream longer than your breath lasts. i guess you havent really figured the right abdominal breathing technique out. you dont have enough control over the air release, you are blowing out too much and thus depriving your body of oxygen. you gotta be a bit careful with this as you are asthmatic (i am too, btw) if you have done upper breathing for all these years, it will take you quite some time and a good teacher you re-asses your techniques."
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

ARCH ENEMY( Angela Gossow ) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ARCH ENEMY( Angela Gossow )   ARCH ENEMY( Angela Gossow ) EmptyVen 6 Juil - 19:19

ARCH ENEMY Singer Launches Website

ARCH ENEMY( Angela Gossow ) 69408

Fans of ARCH ENEMY singer Angela Gossow can now visit her new website at this location. The site features information about her activities in and outside of Arch Enemy, such as guest performances and an extensive media gallery, vocal advice etc.

Angela comments: ‘I’d like to thank my wonderful webmistress Nina for helping me put this project together. I hope fans of Arch Enemy and yours truly will enjoy the website! See you there!"

As previously reported, Arch Enemy have completed work on their new album Rise Of The Tyrant, which was recorded at Studio Fredman with producer Fredrik Nordström and will be unleashed on the metal world on September 24th via Century Media.

Rise Of The Tyrant tracklisting:
'Blood On Your Hands',
'The Last Enemy',
'I Will Live Again',
'In This Shallow Grave',
'Revolution Begins',
'Rise Of The Tyrant',
'The Day You Died',
'Intermezzo Liberté',
'Night Falls Fast',
'The Great Darkness',

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

ARCH ENEMY( Angela Gossow ) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ARCH ENEMY( Angela Gossow )   ARCH ENEMY( Angela Gossow ) EmptyMar 10 Juil - 19:34

ARCH ENEMY Vocalist ANGELA GOSSOW - New Live And Early Years Picture Galleries Online ARCH ENEMY( Angela Gossow ) 69719

ARCH ENEMY vocalist Angela Gossow's official website ( has been updated with several new picture galleries. Click the following links to check them out:

Fillmore 2006

Worcester 2006

Worcester 2003

With Fans And Musicians


Asmodina (pre-Arch Enemy)

As previously reported, Arch Enemy recently completed work on their new album. The new masterpiece, entitled Rise Of The Tyrant, was recorded at Studio Fredman with Producer Fredrik Nordström and will be unleashed on the metal world on September 24th.

Rise Of The Tyrant tracklisting:
'Blood On Your Hands',
'The Last Enemy',
'I Will Live Again',
'In This Shallow Grave',
'Revolution Begins',
'Rise Of The Tyrant',
'The Day You Died',
'Intermezzo Liberté',
'Night Falls Fast',
'The Great Darkness',

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

ARCH ENEMY( Angela Gossow ) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ARCH ENEMY( Angela Gossow )   ARCH ENEMY( Angela Gossow ) EmptyMar 28 Aoû - 23:46

ARCH ENEMY's Angela Gossow: "Preparing For Two Video Shoots And Our Departure To America"

The following is an excerpt from the latest blog entry that ARCH ENEMY frontwoman Angela Gossow has posted at her MySpace page:

"We are back home from our little festival and promo trip in the UK, France and Germany and now preparing for two video shoots and our departure to America this week. It's all a bit frightening, as we will be away from home for almost 4 months. We will come back just in time for Christmas (I hope!). How do you plan 4 months ahead???

The Kerrang show at the Barfly in London was chaotic, 'back to basics' and very cool. It made me feel like 16 again, which is for sure not a bad thing! Thanks to everyone for singing louder than the club PA!

Bloodstock open air was WET and COLD. We are very sorry we were late for our signing, but we stood for hours in traffic (due to heavy road works plus very bad weather) on the highway. We came from London and the drive took us 2 hours longer than expected. We had promo to do in London Saturday morning, so we couldn't rush things there either. Thanks to you all for waiting patiently! And special thanx to Maria from Total Rock for the DIVA SATANICA shirt!

We got lucky: The rain stopped when we entered the stage that night. We had a great time up there (except for the mosquitoes trying to eat us alive) and it was wonderful to witness such a positive response to the new songs we played ('Blood On Your Hands' and 'Revolution Begins'). It's also a great feeling to see Michael and Chris together again. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I am probably their biggest fan and kept watching them all the time when they went into one of their dual guitar bits. Here is some Youtube footage from Bloodstock..."

Michael and Chris in 'Ravenous'

Read Angela's full entry at this location.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

ARCH ENEMY( Angela Gossow ) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ARCH ENEMY( Angela Gossow )   ARCH ENEMY( Angela Gossow ) EmptySam 17 Nov - 17:43

ARCH ENEMY - Ask Angela...

ARCH ENEMY( Angela Gossow ) 77820

ARCH ENEMY vocalist Angela Gossow is now taking questions from the fans via her official discussion board. She will answer the most interesting and thought provoking ones on the forum. Go to this location to register and submit your questions.

As previously reported, Gossow's official website has been updated with news that a new video interview, conducted by Metal Sanaz, is now available online at this location.

A recent update from Gossow regarding the Black Tyranny tour can be found here.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

ARCH ENEMY( Angela Gossow ) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ARCH ENEMY( Angela Gossow )   ARCH ENEMY( Angela Gossow ) EmptyMer 21 Nov - 14:07

ARCH ENEMY Vocalist ANGELA GOSSOW - "I Don’t Count The Cowards Talking Behind My Back As My Critics"

ARCH ENEMY( Angela Gossow ) 78059

As previously reported, ARCH ENEMY vocalist Angela Gossow is now taking questions from the fans via her official discussion board, answering the most interesting and thought provoking ones on the forum. Below are a few of her asnwers to the first installment of questions:

Q: Do you have a favorite festival? Like Wacken Open Air or Graspop Metal Meeting or...?

Angela: "I like well-organized festivals where bands are taken care off, no matter, how small you are. The Graspop festival is very good! No chaos, good catering and a great sound system/PA. Smaller ones, like Up From The Ground, are great too, it is very familiar backstage."

Q: “Are there ever any people who look down upon you because of your position in the metal world?”

Angela: "I am here to inspire, to encourage and simply to have a great time. I came a long way, starting out in an underground band to become the most recognized extreme female singer in the metal world. Whoever looks down on me has surely not tried what I am doing and most certainly has not achieved even half of it and must be very arrogant and intolerant. And I don’t waste my time with idiots. I couldn’t care less."

Q: I just wanted to ask, how do you deal with guys who think you can't be tough because you're female?”

Angela: "I am not tough. I am self-confident. That’s a different thing altogether. The funny thing is, I haven’t had one single person ever walking up to me and questioning my integrity and authority. I don’t count the cowards talking behind my back as my critics. People without a face don’t exist to me."

Q: What is the most screwed up gig you have ever played in? Be it one you accidentally turned up drunk for as an example.

Angela: "The last funky gig I can remember is the first show of the US tour we did with MACHINE HEAD. I had way too much space cookie before the show. All I wanted to do is giggle, but I had to be the lead singer of a metal band for 60 minutes instead. It was hilarious from my point of view."

Go to this location to view the entire first installment of the Q&A.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

ARCH ENEMY( Angela Gossow ) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ARCH ENEMY( Angela Gossow )   ARCH ENEMY( Angela Gossow ) EmptyMar 1 Jan - 18:12

ARCH ENEMY Vocalist ANGELA GOSSOW Issues Handwritten Letter To The Fans

ARCH ENEMY( Angela Gossow ) 80465

ARCH ENEMY vocalist Angela Gossow has issued a handwritten letter to the fans. It can be viewed on the left (click to enlarge) or at this location if you have an active MySpace profile.

Gossow has also added the following: "A translation for anybody who isn't able to read my messy handwriting: Thank you, I love you, kick some ass and stay fucking metal! See you hopefully in 2008! Its going to be a great year!"

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

ARCH ENEMY( Angela Gossow ) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ARCH ENEMY( Angela Gossow )   ARCH ENEMY( Angela Gossow ) EmptySam 5 Jan - 14:28

ANGELA GOSSOW Seeking New Stage Clothes - "I Am A Desperate Woman Who Is Seriously Bored With Her Current Wardrobe"

ARCH ENEMY( Angela Gossow ) 80734

ARCH ENEMY vocalist Angela Gossow has issued the following update with regards to the January 4th launch of the band's new eBay store

"Hello Friends, especially my lady friends!

My pockets are empty, but my closets are full – so I have decided to sell a bunch of cool clothing items (and other little gimmicks) on eBay

But before you feel sorry for me that I cant pay my rent - don’t worry - I can. At least this month ;-)

What I need are NEW cool clothes to wear on upcoming tours and for photo-shoots. I am a woman at the end of the day and a shopping spree never fails to excite me. I haven’t had one for a while now, I spent all my money on Christmas gifts for the ones I love. This selfless time is over now. A bunch of headline tours coming up and also spring is drawing near (at least I hope so, as Sweden is quite depressing atm).

If you are interested in a special item, send me a request with picture via - and I will look for it. It probably will be up on eBay already. I am not a sentimental person.

In case you are a real talented DIY fashion designer and would like to create a piece for me, get in touch on my MySpace site as well. I love unique, individual pieces and will wear them with pride!"


PS: "Sorry for the Bulletin, that’s usually not my style. But I am a desperate woman ;-) who is seriously bored with her current wardrobe..."
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

ARCH ENEMY( Angela Gossow ) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ARCH ENEMY( Angela Gossow )   ARCH ENEMY( Angela Gossow ) EmptyMar 22 Jan - 20:04

ANGELA GOSSOW Answers More Vocal-Related Questions From Her Fellow "Throat Shredders"

ARCH ENEMY( Angela Gossow ) T81673 ARCH ENEMY vocalist Angela Gossow has checked in with the following update:

"Dear fellow throat shredders!

I have collected and answered another pile of your incoming mails. So - if you still bleed from your vocal chords – maybe take a minute to read this. For more tips/info check my FAQ/vocal section on"

Q: I've been paying specific attention to your style of growling, and I really dig it. How did you get started with growling? I try to do it, and it just seems like I start to choke, or it doesn't come out right. I've also bought Melissa Cross' The Zen Of Screaming DVD. It's helped out quite a bit, but I figured that I'd come straight to the source hoping for an answer. :]

Angela: "'Choking' means you are constricting your throat way too much. You are working with your throat and you are most likely breathing from your upper chest - instead of working with the LOWER ABDOMEN (Melissa Cross calls it THE DUMP. cus it feels like taking one really).

This helps: bend your knees slightly, place your hands on your belly and focus on the pushing force coming from there whilst growling. Forget about your throat. Keep your throat open. Start with the really low growls first. Don't do any screams as they usually lead to more constriction.

Do the 'jumping jack and barking' exercise that randy from LAMB OF GOD is demonstrating - this will help loosen up your throat as well and also will prevent you from breathing from your upper chest region

If this still doesn't work for you, find a teacher who will practice the basic abdominal breathing techniques with you. Because that's your main problem maybe."

Q: Now I want to explain to you that I have a little problem. Well, I sing in a band of heavy metal in the line of STRATOVARIUS, DREAM THEATER, etc. The problem is when there are people watching me. I can't give all that I would because of what they will think about me. I played in some gigs two years ago in another band but on stage was like a nightmare. My friends tell me that I must forget there are people, I must enjoy the moment and it doesn't mind what people say, if they don't like, go away! Then I want you to give me some advice, to know if you had this problems at first or if you always had have this security on the stage. I thought this problem I've always had not only with the music, for example making an exposition in front of many people in the class at the university, was related with the fact that my parents divorced when I was 3 and my father's figure failed, I don't know...and maybe it's something that I must to repair in my brain.

Angela: "Well, you MUSTN'T do anything. Its hard when you 'MUST ENJOY' something. Performing is not easy if you suffer from severe stage fright. It's good to warm up your voice before the show and end with a couple of breathing exercises, which calm you down. Breathe in deeply while raising your arms up, counting to 4. Hold your breath in 7 counts (in your belly though, don't constrict your throat) and then breathe out slowly whilst lowering your arms on a count of 8. This exercise helps me when I get very afraid during turbulence on planes, when I feel my asthma coming up or when I am nervous before a show! There are plenty of other good breathing and yoga exercises - you should look into this. Also, look into meditation... these are all means that help you control your fear and your adrenalin flow!!!

I wouldn't go too deep into psychological overanalyzing.. Yoga, breathing exercises and meditation will help you deal and master your fears you have NOW. They work in any kind of 'angst' situation, not only on stage.

It also helps - when you guys rehearse - do have a couple of friends watching your rehearsals from time to time. They are kind of a SMALL CROWD. You know. It's good to start small.

I never had real stage fright; I like the surge of excitement before the show. It actually helps me perform better. Its that extra bit of adrenalin that turns me into a monster on stage. Once you will be able to control your fear you will also have the ability to use your excitement in a positive way - to kick your performance levels up a notch! All the best!!!"

Go to this location to read several more Q&A entries.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

ARCH ENEMY( Angela Gossow ) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ARCH ENEMY( Angela Gossow )   ARCH ENEMY( Angela Gossow ) EmptyMar 22 Jan - 23:28

ARCH ENEMY's Angela Gossow - Vocal FAQ's Available

ARCH ENEMY frontwoman Angela Gossow's site reports:

"Angela posted new Vocal FAQ's on her MySpace site! And now you can also read them here on

Q: First of all, I'd like to say how SICK Rise Of The Tyrant is. I've been moshing out to it for days now since getting it. The best Arch Enemy disc to date. Now down to business...

I've been paying specific attention to your style of growling, and I really dig it. How did you get started with growling? I try to do it, and it just seems like I start to choke, or it doesn't come out right. I've also bought Melissa Cross' "The Zen Of Screaming" DVD. It's helped out quite a bit, but I figured that I'd come straight to the source hoping for an answer. :] Hope to see you in concert soon! Mad Respect, XXX."

A: 'Choking' means you are constricting your throat way too much. You are working with your throat and you are most likely breathing from your upper chest - instead of working with the LOWER ABDOMEN (Melissa Cross calls it THE DUMP. because it feels like taking one really).

This helps: bend your knees slightly, place your hands on your belly and focus on the pushing force coming from there whilst growling. Forget about your throat. Keep your throat open. Start with the really low growls first. Don't do any screams as they usually lead to more constriction.

Do the 'jumping jack and barking' exercise that Randy from LAMB OF GOD is demonstrating (on the Zen Of Screaming I) - this will help loosen up your throat as well and also will prevent you from breathing from your upper chest region.

If this still doesn't work for you, find a teacher who will practice the basic abdominal breathing techniques with you. Because that's your main problem maybe."

Read more here.
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