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 THUNDER New Album

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: THUNDER New Album   THUNDER  New Album EmptyMar 3 Juil - 0:30

THUNDER Recording New Album

THUNDER  New Album 69246

Danny Bowes, singer for UK rockers THUNDER, has issued the following update:

"Luke (Morley - guitar) has been beavering away for most of this year (in between Thunder shows and producing), writing new songs galore. Recording for the new LP began recently, and I'm pleased to say it's all going very nicely. The plan is to dive in and out of the studio as and when the songs are there (and in between shows), pretty much like we did with Robert Johnson's Tombstone. Given the timing of the last LP, the tours and our other plans, it seems unlikely we'll get to release a new LP before the back half of 2008, so rather than make you wait until then, we've decided to release a limited edition six-track EP as an 'in between LPs' type offering. No title yet, but we're working on the assumption it will be similar in format to 2005's Six Shooter (three studio and three live songs). More on this once we've finalized the tracklist, but expect it to be released shortly before the UK tour in November. Once again please spread the word, for you and your word of mouth are our best source of advertising."

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

THUNDER  New Album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: THUNDER New Album   THUNDER  New Album EmptyMer 26 Sep - 21:00

THUNDER  New Album 6of1_big

"Six Of One" est le titre de ce nouvel EP, qui sera publié officiellement le 8 octobre prochain en Angleterre. Voici les détails, à commencer par le tracklisting :

1. Chain Reaction
2. Yesterday's News
3. Midlife Crisis

4. Dirty Dream (Live)
5. What A Beautiful Day (Live)
6. A Million Faces (Live)

Produit par Luke Morley, enregistré et mixé par Ben Matthews, les trois premiers titres sont d'entièrement nouvelles compositions, et donc totalement inédits. Les pistes 4, 5 et 6 ont été enregistrées en public au Glasgow Academy lors de la tournée de novembre 2006.

Les 3 nouvelles chansons ont été enregistrées aux Intimate Studios & Chez Bez, London Town, entre deux participations aux festivals de cet été.
Pour écouter des extraits du nouvel EP de THUNDER,

THUNDER  New Album Sixof1-1
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

THUNDER  New Album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: THUNDER New Album   THUNDER  New Album EmptyMer 3 Oct - 18:07

THUNDER To Ship New EP Early In Response To UK Postal Strike

THUNDER  New Album T74818 British rockers THUNDER check in with the following news:

"Word has reached us here at Thunder Towers that there is to be a postal strike in the UK this Thursday lasting through to next Wednesday.

This is of course extremely un-fab for our new EP release, but all is not lost as stock has arrived a day or two earlier than expected. The lovely peeps at Townsend Records are going to go all out to send out as many orders as they can tomorrow (Tuesday the 2nd), so you lovely peeps who bought it can get it before the strike kicks in.

All those of you who have dillied and dallied and not ordered it before today (shame on you) will of course have to wait until after the strike ends next week. Let's hear a huge "hurrah" for Townsend Records..."

The above mentioned EP, entitled Six Of One (artwork pictured), features the following tracklisting:
'Chain Reaction',
'Yesterday's News',
'Midlife Crisis',
'Dirty Dream' (Live),
'What A Beautiful Day' (Live),
'A Million Faces' (Live).

An advance listen can be found here.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

THUNDER  New Album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: THUNDER New Album   THUNDER  New Album EmptyLun 15 Oct - 22:55

THUNDER - 2007 XMas Show Details Surface

THUNDER  New Album T75674 British rockers THUNDER have issued the following update:

"Yes people I'm happy to announce that the date and venue for this year's Xmas show is Wednesday, December the 19th at Rock City in Nottingham (England).

The format will be the same as last year, i.e. 2 sets (a sit down calm [ha ha] set and a second full on jump up and down set), both with the obligatory special guests, snow, xmas decs, inflatables etc etc. The music will be a mix of old and new Thunder tunes along with cover versions.

It will be the last show the band do this year, so they want to ensure they end the year with a festive frolic of a night. If you've been before you know what to expect (or do you?) and if you haven't you don't know what you've been missing.

There will be an after show party for 100 or so lucky types who get stickers on their Xmas CD info sheets (pick one up as you enter the venue and check the back for the sticker. If it's there you and a friend can get into the party, if not, well em, well you know....).

Tickets are priced £27.50 in advance, which includes the exclusive ticket buyer only live CD.

The venue has informed me that the show is open to those aged 14 and over.

Tickets should be on sale now so click on the link below to get yours.

It sold out before the night last time, so if you want to go, order your ticket now to avoid disappointment.

Ho ho ho in advance..."

Tickets available here.

As previously reported, IRON MAIDEN frontman Bruce Dickinson will be joined on his BBC 6 Music Rock Show radio program by fellow countrymen Thunder on October 26th. You can listen to the weekly BBC 6 Music rock show live via the internet between 9 PM and Midnight UK Time (3 PM and 6 PM EST) here.

Thunder, who recently released the Six Of One EP, are on the road in the UK in late November with LAUREN HARRIS, daughter of IRON MAIDEN bassist/founder Steve Harris.
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