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 WARRANT's Erik Turner: "JANI LANE

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

WARRANT's Erik Turner: "JANI LANE Empty
MessageSujet: WARRANT's Erik Turner: "JANI LANE   WARRANT's Erik Turner: "JANI LANE EmptyLun 16 Juil - 22:55

WARRANT's Erik Turner: "JANI LANE Wrote Everything And Really Didn't Take Our Ideas Or Suggestions" has issued an interview with WARRANT's Erik Turner, conducted by David Dillon. The following is an excerpt from the chat:

Q: This was your first studio album since Jani Lane departed and your first in almost a decade. What was it like going back into the studio again after such a long hiatus and without your long-time front man?

A: "Oh, it was wonderful. It was a great experience. On the first few of records, Jani wrote everything and really didn’t take our ideas or suggestions. Since it wasn’t broke, we didn’t want to fix it and he was kind of controlling and didn’t want to share stuff in the song writing process. He was really good at it, so we just went along with it. But he quit the band back in ’93 and Jerry, especially, and I started writing songs. That’s when we stared writing a record called Ultraphobic in ’94 and I think I had one or two writing credits on that one and Jerry had a bunch of them and another guitar player in the band at the time had one too. Then, Belly To Belly we wrote as a band… which was our last studio album before this new one. We’ve just been writing songs since then. So it was great to go back onto the studio as a band and make a record with all 5 guys participating."

Read the full interview at this location.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

WARRANT's Erik Turner: "JANI LANE Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WARRANT's Erik Turner: "JANI LANE   WARRANT's Erik Turner: "JANI LANE EmptyDim 26 Aoû - 22:38

WARRANT Guitarist Erik Turner On New Record - "We Have Songs Flowing And Will Start Recording Ideas In The FallWARRANT's Erik Turner: "JANI LANE 72582

WARRANT are currently on a summer tour in support of their latest album, Born Again. Guitarist Erik Turner recently spoke to Boston-based writer Deb Rao about the current tour, future recording plans, and one of the most talked about metal festivals that recently transpired this summer, Rocklahoma.

Deb Rao: Warrant recently performed at Rocklahoma. What were some of the highlights from that concert?
Turner: "The whole deal was a highlight! It was very hot on the stage and the crowd was huge and rocking. It was great to finally get all these bands together for a huge show and a big success."

Deb Rao: How did the fans except the new line-up with Jamie St. James (BLACK N' BLUE) at Rocklahoma? I know that concert was a major turning point for the band, because of the size of the crowds that were coming to see the Festival all weekend long.
Turner: "It's been four years almost with this line up, four original members with the Saint on vocals. The response over the years to this line up has been fantastic!"

Deb Rao: Any plans to go into the recording studio and record a new album soon? I know your latest release, Born Again is still going strong.
Turner: "We have songs flowing and will start recording ideas in the fall, once touring season slows down and we have a minute to relax! Rock on!!!!"
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

WARRANT's Erik Turner: "JANI LANE Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WARRANT's Erik Turner: "JANI LANE   WARRANT's Erik Turner: "JANI LANE EmptyJeu 4 Oct - 19:30

WARRANT Guitarist Erik Turner On New Record - "We Have Some New Song Ideas Flowing"

WARRANT's Erik Turner: "JANI LANE T75006 Saviours Of Rock spoke to WARRANT guitarist Erik Turner recently about a number of topics. A few excerpts from the chat found here follow:

Saviours Of Rock: What about the next album?
Turner: "We are in live show mode right now, but we have some new song ideas flowing."

Saviours Of Rock: It must have been hard to replace someone like jani, but things seem to have turned out well for you guys?
Turner: "It’s always a bummer when band members come and go, but you have to roll with the changes."

Saviours Of Rock: What would you say to people that say a warrant reunion is inevitable soon enough?
Turner: "I keep hoping the original van halen will get back together!! (winks)"

Saviours Of Rock: You had the dvd out this year too?
Turner: "The DVD turned out very cool and entertaining, check it out!"

Saviours Of Rock: It was always rumoured (and still is on wikipedia!) that you played little to no guitar on the 1st two albums if any?
Turner: "I played my rhythm guitar parts on every song, so did joey, we also played solos. Beau hill brought in mike slamer to play some solos too."
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WARRANT's Erik Turner: "JANI LANE Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WARRANT's Erik Turner: "JANI LANE   WARRANT's Erik Turner: "JANI LANE Empty

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