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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: WARRANT Frontman JANI LANE   WARRANT Frontman JANI LANE EmptyDim 1 Juin - 13:10

WARRANT Frontman JANI LANE Checks In Following First Reunion Show, Live Date For Toronto Confirmed

WARRANT Frontman JANI LANE T90641 WARRANT frontman Jani lane has checked in with the following update folling the reunited original lineup's first show in 14 years, which took place on May 17th at the Wildhorse Saloon in Nashville, TN:

"Wow, what a fricken relief! We (Warrant reunited) finally got on stage together the other night in Nashville and the following night in Walker, Minnesota. There was so much speculation on our part and the fans as well! About a week before the shows my MySpace was literally humming with excitement! I had the pleasure of having my daughter, Madison attend the first show. Trust me, there is no more honest critic than the 10 year old who thinks of you as 'the old guy who takes her to school!'

All things considered, I thought the first show went pretty well. No major equipment problems and the crowd was great. We definitely fed off the energy the audience fed us. As crazy-fast as the day in Nashville went, it almost shifted into slow motion for me on stage. I caught myself mentally drifting down memory lane while my voice and body must have been in some kind of auto-pilot mode...very surreal! I would look around at the guys and get flashes of the Sunset Strip (circa '87 or so) starving, hoping, praying and having a hell of a good time! Memories of recording, touring, laughing and crying together! It really made me think, 'Holy shite, we have been through the mill together!' and let me tell you folks something...I am not a wuss but for the five of us to be standing on stage together sounding that good...everyone healthy and happy...I nearly welled up several times! I never let it show though...mostly because, if I did, I'd have to kick my own ass for being a wimp! Smile

At one point my 10 year old ran out on stage to tell me goodbye and that it was her bed time. I was so into the show I almost had her removed by security! LOL!! Just kidding. I did, however, get a 'Hey dad, you were really good tonight...' from her later on.

All I can say is it was truly a night I will never forget. A real mile-stone if you will. Oh, and by the way, the next night in Walker...was even better!

See you this summer...let's all make it a kick-ass rock-n-roll one to remember!!!!"

Jani Lane

Go to this location to check out pictures from the show.
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