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 JANI LANE (warrant)

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

JANI LANE (warrant) Empty
MessageSujet: JANI LANE (warrant)   JANI LANE (warrant) EmptyDim 24 Sep - 22:43

JANI LANE - New Track Available Online

JANI LANE (ex-WARRANT) has updated his MySpace page to include a new track, 'Saltwater'. Check it out at this location.

Jani is currently working on new material for his next solo effort. More details to follow.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

JANI LANE (warrant) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: JANI LANE (warrant)   JANI LANE (warrant) EmptyMer 18 Oct - 20:28

JANI LANE Announces New Band Lineup; Forthcoming Album To Be Mixed By Andy Johns

Singer JANI LANE (ex-WARRANT) has issued the following update:

"Hey guys I have been busy, busy, busy! First let me start off by introducing you to my new band. On guitar, Dario Lorina he is a wander kid at the tender age of 17. He hails from Las Vegas. If you have seen us on tour I don't need to tell you how good he is. If you haven't seen us you are really missing out. Check him out at
. Also, on drums Daniel Conway, Chad MacDonnald on bass and Shawn Zavodney (THE LADIES MAN) on keys. Please check us out on the upcoming November and December dates (listed ). And if those don't work for you fear not we will have a whole slew of new shows to announce the beginning of January. Have a Happy Holiday Season! I'll talk to you soon!....... OK, I'm back, did you miss me? I missed you, you fuzzy little custard puffs! I forgot to tell you I just finished my new project which is as of now untitled. As I said previously the members include myself, Keri Kelli on guitar (ALICE COOPER), Bobby Blotzer on drums (RATT), and Chuck Wright on bass (QUIET RIOT, HOUSE OF LORDS). We have had the opportunity to mix our record with Andy Johns of STONES and ZEPPELIN fame to name two of hundreds. Google him if you don't believe me. He was an English Prince and we had a blast working together. It's the best stuff I've done in a long, long time. As a matter of fact I am talking to Andy about working together on my upcoming solo sequel. For all the fans who keep hounding me about the JABBERWOCKEY project... I intend to release it but I have to re-record it first (too many bootlegs). I would like to get it out to you by next summer if all the planets line up. I have to go now. I am off to Hawaii for a little R&R before I hit that long and winding road again. Before I go let me say one more time. I am no longer in Warrant and have not been for 2 1/2 years. If you have been led to believe otherwise, I apologize. I have nothing to do with their advertising. All the best to all of you all the time. Rock on."
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

JANI LANE (warrant) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: JANI LANE (warrant)   JANI LANE (warrant) EmptyDim 12 Nov - 23:12

JANI LANE Explains Wrestle Rock '06 Cancellations

(ex-WARRANT) has issued the following update: "The Northern California shows (Wrestle Rock '06) were cancelled by the promoter at the last minute due to lack of funds. They have apologized to myself, Obi Steinman (manager) and the other band members. These things do happen. I, because of certain past circumstances, feel compelled to state clearly...These cancellations had nothing to do with the band or anyone who represents us. We will begin to tour aggressively on the first of the year, starting with a BLOW-OUT New Years show in Pittsburgh. PA. Also, I will keep you posted on SAINTS OF THE UNDERGROUND (formerly ANGEL CITY OUTLAWS)."

As reported earlier today, Saints Of The Underground is the new act featuring Lane on vocals, Keri Kelli (ALICE COOPER) on guitar, Bobby Blotzer (RATT) on drums and Chuck Wright (HOUSE OF LORDS, QUIET RIOT) on bass. Audio samples of two new songs ('Good Times' and 'Signs Of Life') have been posted at Blotzer's Diamond Recording & Productions websiteb seen posted at Blotzer's Diamond Recording & Productions website . The tracks are pulled off the band's debut album, Love The Sin, Hate The Sinner, due out early next year.
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JANI LANE (warrant) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: JANI LANE (warrant)   JANI LANE (warrant) Empty

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