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 BOSTON - Brad Delp

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: BOSTON - Brad Delp   BOSTON -  Brad Delp EmptyVen 27 Juil - 20:10

BOSTON - Friends Of Brad Delp To Meet In Boston Next Month

BOSTON -  Brad Delp T70851 Melissa J. Majors from Groundzero Promotions has issued the following update:

"We, friends and fans of Brad Delp (late BOSTON singer), have recently committed to honoring him and his life's charitable work. No one, not even Brad, realized before his death to what extent he and his music affected his legions of fans. We are now just beginning to understand the depths of loss that we all feel. Based on the outcry for support from fans reaching out to one another, we realized that a gathering prior to the tribute would allow us to share the one thing that we all have in common, our loyalty for our beloved Brad Delp.

Our gathering will be held from 3-5:30 on August 19th (prior to the tribute) at the Hard Rock Cafe in the "BOSTON room". The address is: 22-24 Clinton Street, Boston, MA, 02109. The HRC staff recommends parking at 75 State Street. Our event will have hors d' doeuvres (while supplies last) such as chicken wings, potato boats, spring rolls, and a nacho display plus free soft drinks for everyone. Guests may purchase additional menu items at will. In honor of Brad, videos of his performances and interviews as well as continuous music will be played throughout our gathering.

Due to the generosity of a lifelong fan of Brad's, this event is free. We are therefore requesting that each attendee make a $20 donation to the DTS foundation in Brad's name. If, for some reason, you cannot meet the requested donation, please give what your budget will allow. We want to give back in the same spirit by which Brad lived, but we do not want to turn anyone away due to lack of funds. In the event that you can afford to donate more than the suggested ammount, your generousity will be greatly appreciated.

Our goal is to disburse all money as we believe Brad would have done himself. Proceeds from the "Come Together" tribute are going to the Brad Delp Memorial Foundation. In addition, profits from the "Boston Rocks" tribute shirts are going to the SASS fund in which Brad played an active role prior to his death. Donations from the individuals at the Fan gathering are being allocated to the DTS foundation, Brad's other worthwhile charity. The DTS foundation supports many worthy causes such as animal protection, vegetarianism, anti-violence, cruelty prevention, hunger and public education programs, helping people and animals alike. We are proud to bring the donations full circle as these three charities form the trifecta of Brad's charitable life's work.

Due to the room size, we can only take the first 100 people that respond. Based on early response, we expect this gathering to fill up quickly. Your donation checks will not be cashed until after the August 19th tribute.

Checks or money orders should be made payable to: DTS FOUNDATION. The DTS Charitable Tax ID number is: 04-2994523. Please mail your check or money order to: Melissa Majors, 2745 Monroe Street, Pensacola, FL, 32514. Donations should be received by August 16th (allow ample delivery time). Please include a list of the members of your party as you would like their name to appear on their name tag. Questions: Email Melissa or message via Myspace at: "
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